

View synonyms for climatize


[ klahy-muh-tahyz ]

verb (used with object)

climatized, climatizing.
  1. to acclimate to a new environment.
  2. to prepare or modify (a building, vehicle, etc.) for use or comfort in a specific climate, especially one that includes extreme cold or extreme heat:

    to climatize a house by adding insulation and storm windows.

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Other Words From

  • clima·ti·zation noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of climatize1

First recorded in 1820–30; climate + -ize
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Example Sentences

One was to be open to the public, free and with regular hours, and the second was to fully climatize the space, he said.

In Houston last week, four huge Carrier motors that will climatize the city's new Astrodome-enclosed sports stadium were test-run in preparation for next month's baseball season opener.

As I am from the south and it is an average difficulty for a southerner to endure the cold without being climatize.

Associated words: meteorology, phenology, climatology, acclimatable, acclimate, acclimation, acclimatize, acclimatization, climatic, climatize, climatography. climax, n. culmination. climb, v. clamber, scale. climbing, a. scandent, scansorial. cling, v. adhere, cleave, hold fast. clip, v. shear, snip, nip, trim, prune, curtail. clip, n.


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climatic zoneclimatology