


abbreviation for

  1. clinical.

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Sa Mona Lisa à lui, Invader l’a placée près de l’enseigne lumineuse de l’agence Duluc Détective, rue du Louvre — un clin d’oeil au lieu où la toile fut volée en 1911.

Corsi has long denied any sort of connection with WikiLeaks, insisting he only deduced that Hillary Clin campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails would be released.

From Slate

Impaired endocytosis of the ion channel TRPM4 is associated with human progressive familial heart block type I. J. Clin.

From Nature

Asked about the accusations that Ms. Le Pen had lifted parts of Mr. Fillon’s speech, Louis Aliot, the candidate’s partner and a vice president of her National Front party, told the news channel LCI on Tuesday morning that it was a “clin d’œil” — meaning a wink or a nod — to Mr. Fillon’s voters.

A well-known French graffiti artist and bon vivant who became the target of social-media harassment has apologized, saying the crime for which he was vilified stemmed from a naive impulse:  To tag a boulder in a Joshua Tree National Park parking lot with water-based spray paint, then post a snapshot of it on Instagram as a wink — a “clin d’oeil” — to his fans.




