

View synonyms for closer



[ kloh-zer ]


  1. a person or thing that closes:

    a door with a mechanical closer.

  2. a person or thing that concludes:

    The piece would be a great closer for a concert.

  3. Baseball. a relief pitcher brought in toward the end of the game to hold the team’s lead.
  4. a person who brings something, especially a business deal, to a successful conclusion:

    a car salesman known as one of the best closers.

  5. Also called closure. Masonry. any of various specially formed or cut bricks for spacing or filling gaps between regular bricks or courses of regular brickwork.



[ kloh-ser ]


  1. comparative of close.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of closer1

First recorded in 1600–1620; close, -er 1
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Example Sentences

But after digging it up for closer inspection, they were able to confirm what it actually was.

From BBC

Patients are frequently walk-ins with an immediate issue like a toothache or neighbors who want a dentist closer to home, he said.

Neighborhoods east of Lake, closer to where the fire began, got their first evacuation alert around 6:40 p.m.

"I think there are probably three areas that would benefit from closer examination," said Mr Care.

From BBC

From his perspective, it shows the complicated day-to-day Palestinians can face, such as being subjected to closer scrutiny at checkpoints controlled by Israeli soldiers.

From BBC


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