

View synonyms for crime


[ krahym ]


  1. an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited.

    Synonyms: felony, tort, misdemeanor, wrong

  2. criminal activity and those engaged in it:

    to fight crime.

  3. the habitual or frequent commission of crimes:

    a life of crime.

  4. any offense, serious wrongdoing, or sin.
  5. a foolish, senseless, or shameful act:

    It's a crime to let that beautiful garden go to ruin.


/ kraɪm /


  1. an act or omission prohibited and punished by law
    1. unlawful acts in general

      a wave of crime

    2. ( as modifier )

      crime wave

  2. an evil act
  3. informal.
    something to be regretted

    it is a crime that he died young

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • crimeless adjective
  • crimeless·ness noun
  • anti·crime adjective
  • super·crime noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of crime1

First recorded in 1200–50; Middle English, from Anglo-French, Old French, from Latin crīmin-, stem of crīmen “accusation, blame, charge,” akin to cernere “to decide, distinguish, separate,” literally, “to sift” ( discern ( def ) )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of crime1

C14: from Old French, from Latin crīmen verdict, accusation, crime
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Synonym Study

Crime, offense, sin agree in meaning a breaking of law. Crime usually means any serious violation of human laws: the crime of treason or robbery. Offense is used of an infraction of either human or divine law, and does not necessarily mean a serious one: an offense leading to a jail sentence; an offense against morals. Sin means a breaking of moral or divine law: the sins of greed and lust.
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Example Sentences

The British actor wrote and stars in Netflix’s new limited series, shot as a series of oners, that captures the aftermath of a child’s violent crime.

Living in the U.S. without lawful status is a civil offense, not a crime.

In 2004, the pair were found guilty of a series of offences linked to organised crime, though they were released the following year due to an administrative error, according to the French media.

From BBC

But according to the Rome Statute that is the basis for the ICC, the court maintains jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed before a nation leaves the tribunal.

From BBC

Mitchell said she takes “full responsibility” for her crime and called her time in custody “a blessing” that helped her become sober and set her on a better path in life.


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About This Word

What is a crime?

A crime is an act or instance that is considered to be against the morals or laws of society, as in Burglary and grand theft auto are crimes.

A person could also be said to have committed a crime against nature or a crime against humanity if they performed especially offensive or taboo acts.

A crime can also mean illegal activity in general or a frequent committing of such activity, as in The superhero was dedicated to fighting crime.

Crime can also mean a repeated or frequent performing of illegal acts, as in The mobsters lived a life of crime. 

And crime can be used more generally to refer to any offense or sin, as in The man swore his neighbor would pay for his crime of letting his dogs waltz through his yard. 

Informally, crime can be used to mean a regrettable thing, as in It is a crime that the musician died so young. 

The word criminal can be used to mean both a person who commits crime as well as an adjective for things related to crime.

Example: Publishing someone’s words as your own is a crime.

Where does crime come from?

The first records of crime come from around 1200. It ultimately comes from the Latin crīmin-, a stem of crīmen, which means “charge” or “crime.” Crime was as much a problem for the ancient Romans as it is for us today.

Crime exists in every society and probably goes back to primitive humans. It is almost always the job of a justice system to prevent crime or punish those responsible for it. Today, in many societies people who commit crimes are fined, imprisoned, or given even harsher punishments.

There is a lot of debate about the best way to handle crime. In popular culture, it’s common to depict societies that have no crime, such as through the use of technology or harsh methods.

Did you know … ?

What are some other forms related to crime?

  • crimeless (adjective)
  • crimelessness (noun)
  • anticrime (adjective)
  • supercrime (noun)

What are some synonyms for crime?

What are some words that share a root or word element with crime

What are some words that often get used in discussing crime?

How is crime used in real life?

While the vast majority of people are against crime, people often disagree on what should or shouldn’t be considered a crime.

Try using crime!

Which of the following is a synonym of crime?

A. justice
B. accident
C. felony
D. carelessness




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