Dead Sea
- a salt lake between Israel and Jordan: the lowest lake in the world, more than 1,400 feet (430 meters) below sea level. Water from the lake, whose extreme salinity and high mineral content make it inhospitable to plant or animal life, has been used for health purposes since ancient times.
Dead Sea
- a lake between Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank, now 420 m (1378 ft) below sea level; originally 390 m (1285 ft): the lowest lake in the world, with no outlet and very high salinity; outline, esp at the southern end, reduced considerably in recent years. Area: originally about 950 sq km (365 sq miles); by 2003 about 625 sq km (240 sq miles)
Word History and Origins
Origin of Dead Sea1
Example Sentences
We pass through the sand-coloured, rocky land that descends in the direction of the Dead Sea, towards Israel and ultimately Gaza.
After the attacks, many residents were moved into a hotel by the Dead Sea - the David Hotel - some 90 minutes' drive away.
Related species have been found in the depths of the Baltic seas, the soil of Antarctica, and the Dead Sea, which is why humans rarely come into contact with them, he says.
The National Science Foundation funded the study, titled "Halophilic nematodes live in America's Dead Sea," with additional funding from the University of Utah.
In 1947, Muhammad edh-Dhib, a young Bedouin shepherd looking for a sheep gone astray, discovered a hidden cave that contained the Dead Sea Scrolls, the earliest known version of most of the Hebrew Bible.