[ dih-klair ]
verb (used with object)
- to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms:
to declare one's position in a controversy.
- to announce officially; proclaim:
to declare a state of emergency; to declare a winner.
- to state emphatically:
He declared that the allegation was a lie.
Synonyms: state, asseverate, aver
Antonyms: deny
- to manifest; reveal; show:
Her attendance at the rally declared her political allegiance.
- to make due statement of, especially goods for duty or income for taxation.
- to make (a dividend) payable.
- Bridge. to bid (a trump suit or no-trump).
verb (used without object)
- to make a declaration.
- to proclaim oneself (usually followed by for or against ):
He declared against the proposal.
- Cricket. (of a team) to surrender a turn at bat in an innings before ten players are put out.
/ dɪˈklɛə /
- may take a clause as object to make clearly known or announce officially
to declare one's interests
war was declared
- to state officially that (a person, fact, etc) is as specified
he declared him fit
- may take a clause as object to state emphatically; assert
- to show, reveal, or manifest
the heavens declare the glory of God
- intr; often foll by for or against to make known one's choice or opinion
- to make a complete statement of (dutiable goods, etc)
- also intr cards
- to display (a card or series of ards) on the table so as to add to one's score
- to decide (the trump suit) by making the final bid
- intr cricket to close an innings voluntarily before all ten wickets have fallen
- to authorize the payment of (a dividend) from corporate net profit
Derived Forms
- deˈclarable, adjective
Other Words From
- de·clara·ble adjective
- misde·clare verb misdeclared misdeclaring
- prede·clare verb (used with object) predeclared predeclaring
- rede·clare verb (used with object) redeclared redeclaring
- unde·clara·ble adjective
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of declare1
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
The victim was declared dead at the scene at 03:29.
“This,” he declared, “is the chainsaw for bureaucracy!”
He is going to declare a holiday in his own honor.
But El Aviso hasn’t published since November; in January, its parent company declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
The increased taxes will go into effect on Wednesday, Trump said, adding that he would declare a "National Emergency on Electricity."