
View synonyms for declare


[ dih-klair ]

verb (used with object)

declared, declaring.
  1. to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms:

    to declare one's position in a controversy.

  2. to announce officially; proclaim:

    to declare a state of emergency; to declare a winner.

  3. to state emphatically:

    He declared that the allegation was a lie.

    Synonyms: state, asseverate, aver

    Antonyms: deny

  4. to manifest; reveal; show:

    Her attendance at the rally declared her political allegiance.

    Synonyms: publish, disclose

  5. to make due statement of, especially goods for duty or income for taxation.
  6. to make (a dividend) payable.
  7. Bridge. to bid (a trump suit or no-trump).

verb (used without object)

declared, declaring.
  1. to make a declaration.
  2. to proclaim oneself (usually followed by for or against ):

    He declared against the proposal.

  3. Cricket. (of a team) to surrender a turn at bat in an innings before ten players are put out.


/ dɪˈklɛə /


  1. may take a clause as object to make clearly known or announce officially

    to declare one's interests

    war was declared

  2. to state officially that (a person, fact, etc) is as specified

    he declared him fit

  3. may take a clause as object to state emphatically; assert
  4. to show, reveal, or manifest

    the heavens declare the glory of God

  5. intr; often foll by for or against to make known one's choice or opinion
  6. to make a complete statement of (dutiable goods, etc)
  7. also intr cards
    1. to display (a card or series of ards) on the table so as to add to one's score
    2. to decide (the trump suit) by making the final bid
  8. intr cricket to close an innings voluntarily before all ten wickets have fallen
  9. to authorize the payment of (a dividend) from corporate net profit
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • deˈclarable, adjective
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Other Words From

  • de·clara·ble adjective
  • misde·clare verb misdeclared misdeclaring
  • prede·clare verb (used with object) predeclared predeclaring
  • rede·clare verb (used with object) redeclared redeclaring
  • unde·clara·ble adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of declare1

First recorded in 1275–1325; Middle English declaren, from Latin dēclārāre “to announce, make evident, reveal,” from dē- de- + clārāre “to make clear” (from clārus clear )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of declare1

C14: from Latin dēclārāre to make clear, from clārus bright, clear
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Synonym Study

Declare, affirm, assert, protest imply making something known emphatically, openly, or formally. To declare is to make known, sometimes in the face of actual or potential contradiction: to declare someone the winner of a contest. To affirm is to make a statement based on one's reputation for knowledge or veracity, or so related to a generally recognized truth that denial is not likely: to affirm the necessity of high standards. To assert is to state boldly, usually without other proof than personal authority or conviction: to assert that the climate is changing. To protest is to affirm publicly, as if in the face of doubt: to protest that a newspaper account is misleading.
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Example Sentences

The victim was declared dead at the scene at 03:29.

From BBC

“This,” he declared, “is the chainsaw for bureaucracy!”

He is going to declare a holiday in his own honor.

From Salon

But El Aviso hasn’t published since November; in January, its parent company declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

The increased taxes will go into effect on Wednesday, Trump said, adding that he would declare a "National Emergency on Electricity."

From Salon





declaratory judgmentdeclared