
View synonyms for depart


[ dih-pahrt ]

verb (used without object)

  1. to go away; leave:

    She departed from Paris today. The train departs at 10:52.

    Antonyms: arrive

  2. to diverge or deviate (usually followed by from ):

    The new method departs from the old in several respects.

  3. to pass away, as from life or existence; die.

verb (used with object)

  1. to go away from; leave:

    to depart this life.

    Synonyms: quit


  1. Archaic. departure; death.


/ dɪˈpɑːt /


  1. to go away; leave
  2. to start out; set forth
  3. usually foll by from to deviate; differ; vary

    to depart from normal procedure

  4. tr to quit (archaic, except in the phrase depart this life )
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • unde·parting adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of depart1

1175–1225; Middle English departen < Old French departir, equivalent to de- de- + partir to go away; part ( v. )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of depart1

C13: from Old French departir, from de- + partir to go away, divide, from Latin partīrī to divide, distribute, from pars a part
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Synonym Study

Depart, retire, retreat, withdraw imply leaving a place. Depart is a somewhat literary word for going away from a place: to depart on a journey. Retire emphasizes absenting oneself or drawing back from a place: to retire from a position in battle. Retreat implies a necessary withdrawal, especially as a result of adverse fortune in war: to retreat to secondary lines of defense. Withdraw suggests leaving some specific place or situation, usually for some definite and often unpleasant reason: to withdraw from a hopeless task.
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Example Sentences

The departing crew assumed their absence would cause filming to halt while producers dealt with the issues they had raised.

The app, known as CBP Home, allows migrants to submit an "intent to depart", which US Customs and Border Patrol says offers them a chance to leave without "harsher consequences".

From BBC

The Stena Immaculate was on its way to Hull after departing from a Greek port, according to ship tracking site MarineTraffic.

From BBC

It said: "The aircraft was observed to depart from controlled flight and it struck an area of rising ground, fatally injuring the pilot."

From BBC

Before we begin this week’s analysis, we’re saying bon voyage to Meredith Blake, who has departed The Times after more than 12 years.




