

View synonyms for disability


[ dis-uh-bil-i-tee ]


plural disabilities.
  1. lack of adequate power, strength, or physical or mental ability; incapacity.

    Synonyms: deficit, impairment

    Antonyms: capacity, ability

  2. a physical or mental impairment, especially one that hinders or prevents a person from performing tasks of daily living, carrying out work or household responsibilities, or engaging in leisure and social activities.
  3. anything that disables or puts one at a disadvantage:

    His mere six-foot height will be a disability in professional basketball.

  4. the state or condition of being disabled.
  5. legal incapacity; legal disqualification.


/ ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪtɪ /


  1. the condition of being unable to perform a task or function because of a physical or mental impairment
  2. something that disables; handicap
  3. lack of necessary intelligence, strength, etc
  4. an incapacity in the eyes of the law to enter into certain transactions
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Many deaf and hard of hearing people object to the use of the phrase hearing disability
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Sensitive Note

Disability is a general term for one or more functional limitations in carrying out major life activities. A disability may be physical, mental, or sensory. The language used to describe disabilities and people with disabilities has changed over time, and older words and phrases like cripple, handicapped, or special needs are no longer recommended and often cause offense. In many cases there is no reason to mention someone’s disability at all; however, when you do introduce disability as a part of an individual’s whole self, it is usually preferable to be specific: “a woman with cerebral palsy” rather than generically “a woman with a disability.” Sometimes the important information is a person’s membership in the disability community, in which case the umbrella term disability is appropriate: “employer accommodation for an employee with a disability.” Some people, especially in the disability rights community, prefer to write disability as dis/ability, (dis)ability, or disAbility in an effort to emphasize ability and minimize ableism. In the same spirit, some also use the words able and ability to mean disabled or disability, as in: “Able team members are asked to share accessibility concerns with their team leader” or “The city council will defer to the recommendations of the ability committee.” This use of able and ability is criticized by some for being unclear or overly euphemistic and is not preferred over the straightforward terms disabled and disability.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of disability1

First recorded in 1570–80; dis- 1 + ability
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Synonym Study

Disability, inability imply a lack of power or ability. A disability is a functional limitation, physical or other: excused because of a physical disability; a temporary disability. Inability is a lack of ability, usually because of an inherent lack of talent, power, etc.: inability to talk; inability to do well in higher mathematics.
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Example Sentences

The mother of a boy with autism and a severe learning disability fears she will have to hand over care of her son to social services because of a lack of support.

From BBC

Another major funding area is for students with disabilities.

Whitehall officials have been in crisis talks with disability campaigners who have told the BBC they are unhappy that the government has failed to invite views on accessibility inclusion.

From BBC

In the district, more than 8,500 people rely on the Regional Service Center, which aims to help individuals with developmental disabilities.

Another added: "The government needs to stop talking about everyone who is on disability benefits as if they are all the same because they are not."

From BBC





disadisability clause