

View synonyms for establish


[ ih-stab-lish ]

verb (used with object)

  1. to found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis:

    to establish a university; to establish a medical practice.

    Synonyms: organize, form

    Antonyms: abolish

  2. to install or settle in a position, place, business, etc.:

    to establish one's child in business.

  3. to show to be valid or true; prove:

    to establish the facts of the matter.

    Synonyms: substantiate, verify

    Antonyms: disprove

  4. to cause to be accepted or recognized:

    to establish a custom; She established herself as a leading surgeon.

  5. to bring about permanently:

    to establish order.

  6. to enact, appoint, or ordain for permanence, as a law; fix unalterably.

    Synonyms: decree

  7. to make (a church) a national or state institution.
  8. Cards. to obtain control of (a suit) so that one can win all the subsequent tricks in it.


/ ɪˈstæblɪʃ /


  1. to make secure or permanent in a certain place, condition, job, etc

    to establish one's usefulness

    to establish a house

  2. to create or set up (an organization, etc) on or as if on a permanent basis

    to establish a company

  3. to prove correct or free from doubt; validate

    to establish a fact

  4. to cause (a principle, theory, etc) to be widely or permanently accepted

    to establish a precedent

  5. to give (a Church) the status of a national institution
  6. (of a person) to become recognized and accepted

    he established himself as a reliable GP

  7. (in works of imagination) to cause (a character, place, etc) to be credible and recognized

    the first scene established the period

  8. cards to make winners of (the remaining cards of a suit) by forcing out opponents' top cards
  9. also intr botany
    1. to cause (a plant) to grow or (of a plant) to grow in a new place

      the birch scrub has established over the past 25 years

    2. to become or cause to become a sapling or adult plant from a seedling
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • esˈtablisher, noun
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Other Words From

  • es·tab·lish·a·ble adjective
  • es·tab·lish·er noun
  • re·es·tab·lish verb (used with object)
  • su·per·es·tab·lish verb (used with object)
  • un·es·tab·lish·a·ble adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of establish1

First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English establissen, establishen, from Middle French establiss-, extended stem of establir, from Latin stabilīre, derivative of stabilis stable 2
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Word History and Origins

Origin of establish1

C14: from Old French establir, from Latin stabilīre to make firm, from stabilis stable ²
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Synonym Study

See fix.
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Example Sentences

Instead of rebuilding neighborhoods that border the wilderness, communities could establish a protective shield of parkland, agricultural fields or even a golf course.

One of these tests is based on federally established methods, and the other is based on the stricter California state-established standards.

He eventually found his niche as their established comic support or antagonist.

From BBC

In its report, the committee calls on the Welsh government to establish "clear guidance, alongside a robust decision-making framework, which will give teachers the confidence to set rules that work best for their young people".

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It has taken time for Norris to establish himself as a front-runner in F1.

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