

View synonyms for fierce


[ feers ]


fiercer, fiercest.
  1. menacingly wild, savage, or hostile:

    fierce animals;

    a fierce look.

    Synonyms: murderous, bloodthirsty, barbarous, brutal, fell, cruel

    Antonyms: mild, tame

  2. violent in force, intensity, etc.:

    fierce winds.

    Synonyms: passionate, furious, turbulent

  3. furiously eager or intense:

    fierce competition.

    Synonyms: turbulent, passionate, furious

  4. extremely bad or severe:

    a fierce cold.


/ fɪəs /


  1. having a violent and unrestrained nature; savage

    a fierce dog

  2. wild or turbulent in force, action, or intensity

    a fierce storm

  3. vehement, intense, or strong

    fierce competition

  4. informal.
    very disagreeable or unpleasant
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈfierceness, noun
  • ˈfiercely, adverb
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Other Words From

  • fierce·ly adverb
  • fierce·ness noun
  • o·ver·fierce adjective
  • un·fierce adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of fierce1

First recorded in 1300–1350; from Middle English fiers, fers, from Old French fiers, fers, from Latin ferus “wild, fierce”; feral 1, ferocious
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Word History and Origins

Origin of fierce1

C13: from Old French fiers , from Latin ferus
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Synonym Study

Fierce, ferocious, truculent suggest vehemence and violence of temper, manner, or action: fierce in repelling a foe. Ferocious implies fierceness or cruelty, especially of a bloodthirsty kind, in disposition or action: a ferocious glare; ferocious brutality toward helpless refugees. Truculent suggests an intimidating or bullying fierceness of manner or conduct: His truculent attitude kept them terrified and submissive.
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Example Sentences

The two coaches will now meet again, with Enrique in charge of a young, vibrant cohesive PSG and Emery leading a Villa team carrying all the organisation and fierce discipline that are his hallmarks.

From BBC

As well as coming out on top in the usual fierce rivalry between the two nations, England hope they can end the day at the summit of the Six Nations table.

From BBC

His mother, always his fiercest supporter, refused to let him quit.

From BBC

Yet back then, any one of these creatures could become prey to the ocean's fiercest apex predator: the megalodon, a giant shark with massive teeth and a body the size of a whale.

From Salon

Georgescu - a fierce EU and Nato critic - came out of almost nowhere last year to lead the first round two weeks ago amid allegations of Russian interference.

From BBC




