


[ fyoo-zeyn, fyoo-zeyn; French fy-zan ]


plural fusains
  1. a fine charcoal used in drawing, made from the wood of the spindle tree.
  2. a drawing made with this charcoal.
  3. a blackish-gray, friable component of coal with a silky luster that leaves a charcoallike mark.


/ fjuːˈzeɪn; fyzɛ̃ /


  1. a fine charcoal pencil or stick made from the spindle tree
  2. a drawing done with such a pencil
  3. a dull black brittle form of carbon resembling charcoal, found in certain coals
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of fusain1

1865–70; < French: spindle tree, charcoal made from its wood < Vulgar Latin *fūsāgīn- (stem of *fūsāgō ), derivative of Latin fūsus spindle
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Word History and Origins

Origin of fusain1

C19: from French: spindle tree or charcoal made from it, from Vulgar Latin fūsāgō (unattested) a spindle (generally made from the spindle tree), from Latin fūsus
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Example Sentences

Here and there the fusain burned like a flame with its vivid scarlet berries—chapeau de cur� the country people call them, though the colour is a little too gay for less than a cardinal's wearing.

The best natural charcoal I have used is the French make known as "Fusain Rouget."




