

View synonyms for galiot


or gal·li·ot

[ gal-ee-uht ]


  1. a small galley propelled by both sails and oars.
  2. a small ketchlike sailing vessel used for trade along the coast of Germany and nearby countries.


/ ˈɡælɪət /


  1. a small swift galley formerly sailed on the Mediterranean
  2. a shallow-draught ketch formerly used along the coasts of Germany and the Netherlands
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of galiot1

1325–75; Middle English galiote < Middle French < Medieval Latin galeota, diminutive of galea galley
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Word History and Origins

Origin of galiot1

C14: from Old French galiote, from Italian galeotta, from Medieval Latin galea galley
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Example Sentences

In Manila all the operations of Anson were known, and to prevent him from capturing the Cobadonga, the Governor despatched a galiot to give notice of this powerful enemy, with directions for the Cobadonga to change her route, and send information respecting it, in order that a galleon, which was fitting in Cavite, might proceed to her relief.

The Governor sent against them the Oydor Morga with two galleons, an English patache which had come from Malacca, a galiot, and other small vessels.

His galiot arrived at Cagayan, and proceeded on his voyage to Camboxa, where he found the King re-established on his throne by the Portuguese, Cabos Diego Belloso and Blas Ruiz.

They touched at Omaguas, the port where Madame Godin found kind friends in the good missionary and the governor, and where she embarked on her way to the galiot at Loreto; and they passed the mouth of the Napo, which enters the Amazon from the north,—the river down which Orellana passed in the first adventure.

Dec. 2.—They arrived at Loreto, the frontier town of the Peruvian territory, and which reminds us again of Madame Godin, who there joined the Portuguese galiot.




