gamma radiation
- electromagnetic radiation emitted by atomic nuclei; the wavelength is generally in the range 1 × 10 –10to 2 × 10 –13metres
- electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength emitted by any source, esp the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with a wavelength less than about 1 × 10 –11metres
gamma radiation
- The most energetic radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum ; it has the lowest wavelength and the highest frequency in the spectrum. Gamma rays are sent out by some radioactive nuclei . Unlike alpha radiation and beta radiation , gamma rays are not made up of particles, and they have no charge .
Example Sentences
Meanwhile, the city of Berkeley is working toward examining its own survey for gamma radiation at Cesar Chavez Park, which was built atop the former municipal landfill.
The water board demanded the cities to submit plans by April to scan these areas for cancer-causing gamma radiation and sample for banned pesticides, including DDT.
In the main lab, one volunteer is chopping cabbage before taking it to be measured for gamma radiation, and another is treating water before the sample is tested.
Radiation portal monitors detect gamma radiation and are typically used at airports to scan individuals to ensure they do not have radioactive substances on them.
For example, its scientists have consistently relied upon simulations rather than direct values of background gamma radiation, the simplest of the measurements one can make.