


[ gas-fahyuhrd ]


  1. using a gas for fuel.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of gas-fired1

First recorded in 1885–90
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Example Sentences

“Recently, the massive energy requirements associated with AI development have been invoked to justify the build-out of scores of new gas-fired power plants,” McNamara said.

From Salon

Electricity generation was temporarily suspended at Ballylumford, one of Northern Ireland's main power stations, after the natural gas-fired power station reported structural damage to one of its smaller chimneys.

From BBC

In a business-as-usual future, greenhouse gas emissions related to plastic would jump 37% from 2020 levels to 3.35 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2050 -- this is the same as nearly 9,000 natural gas-fired power plants operating for one year or the energy use for more than 436 million homes for one year.

Bangladesh is restarting some of the gas-fired and oil-fired power plants to bridge the supply shortfall, although experts say it will increase the cost of power.

From BBC

The EPA announced its latest antipollution rules in April and said carbon-capture technology would allow coal- and new gas-fired power plants to “achieve substantial reductions in carbon pollution at reasonable cost.”





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