


[ gast ]

verb (used with object)

  1. to terrify or frighten.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of gast1

before 1000; Middle English gasten, Old English gǣstan
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Example Sentences

Margo Martin, one of his closest personal aides, told the lawyer, Scott Gast, that consultants had designed a subtly-modified seal for Mr. Trump.

“They said they changed a few things to avoid trademark issues,” she wrote, asking Mr. Gast if the design was acceptable.

Camille du Gast of France and England’s Dorothy Levitt were successful in the early 1900s, racing both cars and boats.

These days Mr. Gast has been checking the weather forecast the moment he wakes up, only to learn that warmer and drier days lie ahead.

“I’m trying not to pay attention to it too much right now because it’s just going to cause me heartburn,” said Mr. Gast, who manages the nonprofit community ski area south of Ashland, Ore. He spent much of this week in his office, preparing to issue furloughs or layoffs.





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