[ gav-uhl-kahynd ]
- (originally) a tenure of land in which the tenant was liable for a rental in money or produce rather than for labor or military service.
- a customary system of land tenure whose chief feature was equal division of land among the heirs of the holder.
- the land so held.
/ ˈɡævəlˌkaɪnd /
- a former system of land tenure peculiar to Kent based on the payment of rent to the lord instead of the performance of services by the tenant
- the land subject to such tenure
- English law (formerly) land held under this system
Word History and Origins
Origin of gavelkind1
Word History and Origins
Origin of gavelkind1
Example Sentences
Heir by custom, or customary heir, he who inherits by a particular and local custom, as in borough-English, whereby 217 the youngest son inherits, or in gavelkind, whereby all the sons inherit as parceners, and made but one heir.
The gavelkind or tributary tenure there was subjected to equal partition among the heirs.
Again, the law of gavelkind, although not extending over the whole of Kent, belongs to so important and numerous a portion of the population, that, as in the case of ancient demesne, it comes to be considered as the typical custom of the county, and attracts all other variations of local usage into its sphere of influence.
The Custumal published among the Statutes speaks of the personal freedom of all Kentish-men, although it has to concern itself specially with the gavelkind tenantry.
On the other hand, it is to be noticed that the gavelkind rule of succession, although enacting the partibility of the inheritance, still reserves the hearth to the youngest born, a trace of the same junior right which led to Borough English.