


[ gek-oh ]


plural geckos, geckoes.
  1. any of numerous small, mostly nocturnal tropical lizards of the family Gekkonidae, usually having toe pads that can cling to smooth surfaces: the largest species, Gekko gecko, is sometimes kept as a pet.


/ ˈɡɛkəʊ /


  1. any small insectivorous terrestrial lizard of the family Gekkonidae, of warm regions. The digits have adhesive pads, which enable these animals to climb on smooth surfaces
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of gecko1

1705–15; < New Latin gekko < Dutch; origin uncertain; alleged to be a Malay word imitative of the lizard's call.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of gecko1

C18: from Malay ge'kok, of imitative origin
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Example Sentences

As a common terms, the authors suggested "van Gogh’s starry dwarf gecko."

From Salon

For people who prefer to use a common term, the authors suggest "Van Gogh’s starry dwarf gecko."

From Salon

Listed as threatened since 1990, these long-lived reptiles don’t live alone; they can dig up to 25 burrows a year—and share the space with creatures from geckos to cottontails.

For example, a gecko's feet can stick to the wall temporarily due to van der Waals forces.

For example, geckos exploit surface forces to cling to walls and ceilings.




