


[ German guh-zel-shahft ]


(often initial capital letter)
plural gesellschaften
  1. an association of individuals for common goals, as for entertainment, intellectual, or cultural purposes or for business reasons.
  2. Sociology. a society or group characterized chiefly by formal organization, impersonal relations, the absence of generally held or binding norms, and a detachment from traditional and sentimental concerns, and often tending to be rationalistic and secular in outlook.


/ ɡəˈzɛlʃaft /


  1. often capital a social group held together by practical concerns, formal and impersonal relationships, etc Compare gemeinschaft
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of gesellschaft1

1935–40; < German, equivalent to Geselle companion + -schaft -ship
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Word History and Origins

Origin of gesellschaft1

German, literally: society
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Example Sentences

CZG, whose operating profit rose 12% last year, has until now mainly competed with European groups like FN Herstal of Belgium, Beretta of Italy and Glock Gesellschaft of Austria and struck deals last year with the Czech Army and law enforcement bodies in Brazil and Kenya, as well as contracts to help rearm Hungary's army.

From Reuters

Zimmermann said that two of the brokers it used -- CC Gesellschaft für Geld- und Devisenhandel mbH and Witt GmbH & Co.

From Reuters

As a result, Beethoven had to supplement with amateurs from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde.

IBM said it would install a Q System One quantum computer at one of its facilities in Germany, partnering with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - an applied research institute - to build a research effort and community around it.

From Reuters

“This partnership is a landmark quantum computing initiative and a crucial step forward for German research institutions as well as businesses of all sizes in our country,” said Professor Reimund Neugebauer, President of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.

From Reuters





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