

giant slalom


  1. a slalom race in which the course has more gates and is longer and steeper than that in a regular slalom.

giant slalom


  1. skiing a type of slalom in which the course is longer and the obstacles are further apart than in a standard slalom
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of giant slalom1

First recorded in 1950–55
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Example Sentences

Federal investigators announced at a news conference in Los Angeles that Ryan Wedding, who participated in the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in parallel giant slalom, was still at large, possibly in Mexico and that they are offering a $10-million reward for information leading to his capture.

She had been set for her 100th victory in December when leading the second leg of a giant slalom race in Killington in the United States but crashed out near the end of the run, somersaulting into the safety nets.

From BBC

The American was set for her 100th World Cup victory when leading the second leg of a giant slalom race in Killington in December when she crashed out near the end of the run, somersaulting into the safety nets.

From BBC

Shiffrin opted not to compete in the giant slalom but is set for Saturday's slalom, an event she has won four times.

From BBC

Sweden's Sara Hector, the reigning Olympic champion, won Saturday's giant slalom.

From BBC


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More About Giant Slalom

What is the giant slalom?

The giant slalom is a longer version of the slalom—the type of skiing and snowboarding event that takes place on a winding, downhill course marked by a series of boundary poles or gates, which the racer is required to stay between while attempting to cross the finish line in the shortest possible time.

There are several slalom events in the Winter Olympics. In skiing, these include the slalom, the giant slalom, and the super giant slalom (popularly called Super G). The giant slalom and the super giant slalom feature longer courses and more widely spaced gates than the regular slalom, with super giant slalom having the longest course.

In snowboarding, there is an event called the parallel giant slalom. (In slalom events, the word parallel indicates that two racers compete simultaneously on identically spaced courses).

Such competitive skiing events are categorized as types of Alpine skiing (in contrast with Nordic skiing, which includes cross-country skiing and ski jumping). Alpine skiing is sometimes more generally called downhill skiing. The term downhill is also used in a more specific way as the name of the Alpine skiing event that takes place on a relatively straight downhill course—without gates.

There are also giant slalom events in the Paralympic Winter Games

In slalom events, the gates or poles are laid out in different variations and combinations based on the course and the competition rules. It is common for racers to hit the gates as they pass them in order to take the most direct (and fastest) route to the next gate.

Example: She’s a veteran of the slalom, but this is her first time competing in the giant slalom.

Where does giant slalom come from?

The term giant slalom has been used since at least the 1950s. The first records of the word slalom in English come from the 1920s. It comes from the Norwegian word slalåm, from sla(d), meaning “sloping,” and låm, meaning “track.”

The creation of competitive slalom is credited to Arnold Lunn, a British skier and winter athlete who developed the sport in the 1920s.

The slalom event in skiing was first included in the Winter Olympics in 1936. The giant slalom event was added in 1952, and the super giant slalom (super G) event was added in 1988. The first snowboarding giant slalom event was featured in 1998.

Did you know ... ?

What are some words that share a root or word element with giant slalom

What are some words that often get used in discussing giant slalom?

How is giant slalom used in real life?

There are giant slalom events in both skiing and snowboarding.



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True or False? 

Of all the slalom events, the giant slalom features the longest course.




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