


[ glahyd-path, -pahth ]


plural glidepaths
  1. the course followed by an aircraft or spacecraft when descending for a landing.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of glidepath1

First recorded in 1935–40; glide + path
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Example Sentences

Rather than fade from prominence after the Capitol riot, Trump continued to assert his control over the party, and finds himself on a clear glidepath to the Republican nomination.

The Republican former president, who is on a glidepath to his party’s nomination this year, has been charged with dozens of felony counts related to his handling of classified materials stored at his Florida estate after leaving the White House.

Chris McKissack, CEO of storage developer GlidePath, said that batteries will likely remain a good bet for a long time -- even if Texas is seeking to bolster traditional forms of energy like natural gas.

From Reuters

Biden’s Republican detractors — empowered by a slim majority in the House and a sense that his age and low approval ratings make him a weak incumbent candidate — have sought to disrupt the president’s smooth glidepath to the general election.

Soon afterward, Lee’s amendment also went down to defeat, 50-47, which put the Senate on a glidepath to a final vote in the early afternoon.





glideglide path