
View synonyms for gps


or GPS, g.p.s.

abbreviation for

  1. gallons per second.



[ jee-pee-es ]

abbreviation for

  1. Global Positioning System:
    1. a global system of U.S. navigational satellites developed to provide precise positional and velocity data and global time synchronization for air, sea, and land travel.
    2. an electronic system that uses these satellites to determine the position of a vehicle, person, etc.:

      School buses will be equipped with GPS.

    3. Also called GPS re·ceiv·er [jee, -, pee, -, es, ree-, see, -ver]. a receiver that determines its position by analyzing the satellite signals it receives:

      With the GPS in a smartphone, a utilities maintenance crew can navigate to within a few feet of a water meter.

verb (used with object)

GPSed or GPS'd, GPSing.
  1. to locate, track, or map by using a GPS system: The trail was scouted and GPSed by volunteers.

    My dad asked me to GPS the nearest gas station.

    The trail was scouted and GPSed by volunteers.

  2. to equip with a GPS system:

    My new Honda is GPSed.

verb (used without object)

GPSed or GPS'd, GPSing.
  1. to use a GPS system to get to a place:

    With two hours to kill in an unfamiliar area, I GPSed to a shopping center.


abbreviation for

  1. global positioning system
  2. (in Australia) Great Public Schools; used of a group of mainly nonstate schools, and of sporting competitions between them
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. Abbreviation of Global Positioning System
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Word History and Origins

Origin of gps1

First recorded in 1970–75
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Example Sentences

Dr John Montgomery represents Deep End GPs, a network of doctors who work in the most deprived areas of Scotland.

From BBC

The jabs, which are not suitable for everyone and can have severe side effects, are also available from pharmacies in the UK for people who can't get them prescribed by their GPs.

From BBC

Many of the technologies we rely on today— from GPS to the internet to touchscreens — were originally funded by the U.S. government for wartime surveillance and communication.

From Salon

The GMC said there are also more female GPs in the UK, with 57.7% of the workforce made up of female doctors.

From BBC

Meanwhile, in the community, GPs are left to pick up the pieces.

From BBC



