[ gramps ]
Example Sentences
In homage to gramps, think rich tones of burgundy, olive green and tobacco brown, and lots of dark woods, plaid textiles and leather.
He added that it “felt like the founding fathers were smiling down on us in that room, and I guarantee my dad and gramps, both vets, would be proud.”
“I just want to carry his legacy, and hold it down for gramps, you know.”
Here it is side by side with gramps.
My gramps and his crew don’t pick fruit out in the fields anymore.
More About Gramps
What does gramps mean?
Gramps is an informal word for grandfather—the father of a person’s parent.
It’s a variant of the word grandpa, which is commonly pronounced like grampa. Similar words for a grandmother are gran and granny.
Gramps should be capitalized when it’s used as a proper name, as in Please tell Gramps that I miss him.
But gramps does not need to be capitalized when it’s simply used as a way to refer to him, as in Please tell my gramps that I miss him.
Example: It doesn’t matter what you call your gramps, as long as you call him.
Where does gramps come from?
The first records of the word gramps come from the 1860s. Gramps comes from grandpa, in which the word pa (a shortening of papa) is an informal way to say father. The prefix grand- is used in family terms to indicate a person who is one generation removed, as in grandparent and grandchild. The suffix -s is sometimes used to form nicknames and names expressing affection or familiarity, such as in pops (an informal word for one’s father).
Grandfathers often have special bonds with their grandchildren (who they’re known to spoil with love, affection, and candy). It’s common for grandchildren to refer to their grandfathers with informal names. Grandpa is perhaps the most common variant of the word grandfather, but there are many others, including gramps, grampa, grandpop, grandpapa, and grandpappy. Many families have their own specific version, such as Pop-Pop, Poppy, and Pa Pa.
Did you know ... ?
What are some synonyms for gramps?
- grandpa
- grandpapa
- grandpappy
- gramps
- grandpop
- pop-pop
- grandfather
What are some words that share a root or word element with gramps?
What are some words that often get used in discussing gramps?
How is gramps used in real life?
Gramps is one of the many informal variants of the word grandfather. When it’s used as a proper name, Gramps should be capitalized.
I have my grandma and my poppy (although he’s sadly passed away now), and my gramps! They all picked what they wanted to be called though!
— Demi (@_demerite) August 1, 2020
finally had the courage & strength to come out to my gramps after 5 years & he told me “as long as you’re happy, i’m happy mija” 😭😭😭
— hailey (@_haileygarza) July 30, 2020
Try using gramps!
Is gramps used correctly in the following sentence?
My gramps is 98 years old and is as active as ever.