


[ gran-yuh-ley-shuhn ]


  1. the act or process of granulating.
  2. a granulated condition.
  3. any of the grains of a granulated surface.
  4. Pathology.
    1. the formation of granulation tissue, especially in healing.
  5. Astronomy. one of the small, short-lived features of the sun's surface that in the aggregate give it a mottled appearance when viewed with a telescope.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of granulation1

First recorded in 1606–15; granule + -ation
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Example Sentences

The visit to the Victoria and Albert certainly had that effect, especially the jewelry rooms and one particular ancient gold Etruscan bowl decorated with an esoteric technique called granulation.

Cloud first, blue sky thinking, granulation, growth hacking.

The “granulation” of the title has a triple meaning here.

Add sugar, and mix until there is no longer granulation to the sugar.

The telescope also will let people one at a time view sunspots, prominences and granulations of the sun’s surface, Snyder said.





granulated sugarˌgranuˈlation