



[ green-feeld ]


  1. an undeveloped or agricultural tract of land that is a potential site for industrial or urban development.



[ green-feeld ]


  1. a city in SE Wisconsin, near Milwaukee.
  2. a city in NW Massachusetts.
  3. a town in central Indiana.


/ ˈɡriːnˌfiːld /


  1. modifier denoting or located in a rural area which has not previously been built on

    new factories were erected on greenfield sites

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ grēnfēld /

  1. A piece of usually semirural property that is undeveloped except for agricultural use, especially one considered as a site for expanding urban development.
  2. Compare brownfield
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Word History and Origins

Origin of greenfield1

First recorded in 1940–45 as an adjective; current sense dates from 2000–05; green ( def ) + field ( def )
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Example Sentences

Aside from Fahey, others who worked at the Hawkins gallery included Jan Kesner, later an L.A. photography dealer and gallery owner; and the accomplished editorial and gallery photographer Lauren Greenfield, who was once an intern.

He said he expected some of the construction to take place on greenfield land, but there would also be "big expansions of existing towns and cities where that is appropriate".

From BBC

Making the announcement, Searchlight presidents David Greenbaum and Matthew Greenfield called her "a once in a generation artist and storyteller", but the trail has gone cold since then.

From BBC

Among them: Books from Reese Witherspoon, who returns with another captivating “Busy Betty” adventure; Trevor Noah, who delivers an all-ages fable about maternal love and a child’s creativity, and Max Greenfield, who tells the story of the anxious Max, who just can’t fall asleep.

If you, or a child in your life, are plagued by running thoughts that prevent you from going to sleep, this book by “New Girl” actor Max Greenfield is for both of you.





green-eyed monsterGreenfield Park