

View synonyms for hacker


[ hak-er ]


  1. a person or thing that hacks.
  2. Slang. a person who engages in an activity without talent or skill:

    weekend hackers on the golf course.

  3. Computers.
    1. a person who has a high level of skill in computer technology or programming; a computer expert or enthusiast:

      My brother is a real hacker—he fixed my laptop in no time.

    2. a person who circumvents security and breaks into a network, computer, file, etc., often, but not always, with malicious intent: Compare black hat ( def 2 ), gray hat, white hat ( def 2 ).

      A hacker got into my computer remotely and wiped my hard drive!

      The company has hired hackers to test system security.


/ ˈhækə /


  1. a person that hacks
  2. slang.
    a computer fanatic, esp one who through a personal computer breaks into the computer system of a company, government, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of hacker1

First recorded in 1200–50 hacker fordef 1; Middle English (as surname); hack 1, -er 1; 1965–70 hacker fordef 2
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Example Sentences

However, the software bug, discovered in November, made Medefer's internal patient record system vulnerable to hackers, the engineer said.

From BBC

Since then, it's been a cat-and-mouse game to track and block the hackers from successfully converting the crypto into usable cash.

From BBC

In December, the Treasury Department reported a "major" breach by Chinese -sponsored hackers, saying they were able to access employee workstations and some unclassified documents.

From BBC

Over the last few years, hackers have targeted plastic surgery practices because the sensitive data they store can be used to facilitate identity theft, as well as attempt to extort physicians and patients.

Bybit said the hackers exploited security features, then transferred the money to an unidentified address.

From BBC


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