

View synonyms for hairline


[ hair-lahyn ]


  1. a very slender line.
  2. the lower edge of the hair, especially along the upper forehead:

    a hairline that slowly receded.

  3. worsted fabric woven with very fine lines or stripes.
  4. Printing.
    1. a very thin line on the face of a type.
    2. a style of type consisting entirely of such lines. line.
    3. a thin rule for printing fine lines. line.
    4. undesirable vertical lines line between letters, caused by worn matrices.


  1. narrow or fine as a hair:

    a hairline fracture.


/ ˈhɛəˌlaɪn /


  1. the natural margin formed by hair on the head
    1. a very narrow line
    2. ( as modifier )

      a hairline crack

  2. printing
    1. a thin stroke in a typeface
    2. any typeface consisting of such strokes
    3. thin lines beside a character, produced by worn or poorly cast type
  3. a rope or line of hair
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of hairline1

First recorded in 1725–35; hair + line 1
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Example Sentences

This process also allowed us to use Pax paint over the Opsite to even further hide his natural hairline.

Standing nearby was a man whose hairline was desperately trying to escape his head, yet somehow, he was still rocking a ponytail, fighting for its life.

From Salon

Looming largest on the fixture list though are South Africa, who won a whole Rugby World Cup on the back of a deep squad, belief that ran down to the bootlaces and hairline solitary-point wins.

From BBC

The BBC compared this footage with photographs of Andrei from hundreds of social media profiles and found a match - the same hairline, the same mole on the neck, and clear evidence of a leg injury.

From BBC

She wore her hair straightened in a slicked-back ponytail, but even this style was targeted by both white and Black critics who called into question the edges of her hairline.

From Salon





hairlesshairline fracture