

View synonyms for hanger


[ hang-er ]


  1. a shoulder-shaped frame with a hook at the top, usually of wire, wood, or plastic, for draping and hanging hang a garment when not in use.
  2. a part of something by which it is hung, hung, as a loop on a garment.
  3. a contrivance on which things are hung, hung, as a hook.
  4. Automotive. a double-hinged device linking the chassis with the leaf springs on vehicles having solid axles.
  5. a light saber of the 17th and 18th centuries, often worn by sailors.
  6. a person who hangs something.


/ ˈhæŋə /


    1. any support, such as a hook, strap, peg, or loop, on or by which something may be hung
    1. a person who hangs something
    2. ( in combination )


  1. a bracket designed to attach one part of a mechanical structure to another, such as the one that attaches the spring shackle of a motor car to the chassis
  2. a wood on a steep hillside, characteristically beech growing on chalk in southern England
    1. a loop or strap on a sword belt from which a short sword or dagger was hung
    2. the weapon itself
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of hanger1

1400–50; late Middle English hangere; hang, -er 1
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Example Sentences

“I can’t believe I’m getting out,” she told a caseworker over the phone, scanning her clothes hangers, handbags, space heater, and flower pots.

With her husband and daughters, she's been busy clearing debris from the shop, arranging dresses on hangers and getting ready for business.

From BBC

Instead of filet mignon, he’s serving hanger steaks.

"They were tasked with delivering 17 million pieces of mail that had been just thrown into hangers, that had been mouldy and a lot of the names on the letters were illegible," he said.

From BBC

The competition began in a disused plane hanger in Cologne and games were streamed live on online platform Twitch.

From BBC


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