[ hahr-vist ]
- the gathering of crops:
Drought has delayed the harvest of corn, peanuts, potatoes, and other vegetables.
- the season when ripened crops are gathered:
All through springtime, summer, and harvest, she waited for him.
- a crop or yield of one growing season:
Our blackberries are on track to meet or exceed last year's harvest of 30 lbs.
- a supply of anything gathered at maturity and stored:
The silos held an abundant harvest of wheat.
- the taking or removal of animals to be killed for food or other uses:
Some have called the harvest of nautilus shells for jewelry and ornaments a “horrendous slaughter.”
- the collection of any resource for future use:
Rules were established to limit the harvest of forest resources for fuel and building materials.
- the extraction of an organ or tissue from a body for the purpose of transplant or scientific research:
The new method could improve the harvest of stem cells from umbilical cord blood.
- the result or consequence of any act, process, or event:
The journey yielded a harvest of wonderful memories.
Synonyms: return, product, collection, accumulation
verb (used with object)
- to gather (a crop or the like); reap:
It’s time to harvest the corn.
- to gather the crop from:
The farmer hired a few day laborers to help harvest his fields.
- to gain, win, or use (a prize, product, or result of any past act, process, etc.):
The country hopes to harvest dividends from staging a problem-free Olympics next year.
- to catch, take, or remove (animals), especially for food:
Fishermen harvested hundreds of salmon from the river.
- to collect (any resource) for future use:
to harvest solar energy;
spammers who harvest email addresses.
- to extract (an organ or tissue) from a living or dead body, as for transplantation or research:
to harvest a kidney;
to harvest embryos.
verb (used without object)
- to gather a crop; reap:
We saw whole families out in the fields, harvesting.
/ ˈhɑːvɪst /
- the gathering of a ripened crop
- the crop itself or the yield from it in a single growing season
- the season for gathering crops
- the product of an effort, action, etc
a harvest of love
- to gather or reap (a ripened crop) from (the place where it has been growing)
- tr to receive or reap (benefits, consequences, etc)
- tr to remove (an organ) from the body for transplantation
Derived Forms
- ˈharvesting, noun
- ˈharvestless, adjective
Other Words From
- har·vest·a·ble adjective
- har·vest·a·bil·i·ty [hahr-vis-t, uh, -, bil, -i-tee], noun
- har·vest·less adjective
- half-har·vest·ed adjective
- post·har·vest adjective
- pre·har·vest noun
- re·har·vest verb
- un·har·vest·ed adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of harvest1
Word History and Origins
Origin of harvest1
Example Sentences
For decades, the Forest Service adhered to a policy of total fire suppression to protect valuable timber harvests.
He used to make an income from harvesting açaí berries from trees that once occupied the space.
While the country's agriculture minister has dismissed concerns about poor yields and predicted that India will have a bumper wheat harvest this year, independent experts are less hopeful.
If it rains, the harvested leaves must be dried very quickly — within a day — otherwise they turn yellow and no one wants them.
McGinn, Roberts and their accomplices were not directly involved in setting up the farms, and did not have shares in the profits from their eventual harvesting.