[ hed-freym ]
- a structure supporting the hoisting sheaves at the top of a mine shaft.
Word History and Origins
Origin of headframe1
Example Sentences
A headframe of salt producer K+S Group is pictured at a K+S potash mine near Unterbreizbach, near Bad-Hersfeld October 1, 2013.
Contestants had up to March 31 to buy a $5 ticket and guess when the headframe would sink.
The terminal features a custom-made metal gate inspired by cages that lower workers into mines, stained glass and checkerboard portals inspired by Butte churches and a wide headframe entrance.
Heupel noted Sept. 9 grand opening and dedication ceremonies of the trail are set for 9 a.m. at the old headframe near the Lead trailhead and at 11 a.m. at Deadwood’s Powerhouse Park.
“The headframe is one of a couple of historic features that need to be preserved, and the issue with it is it also sits on waste and is quite hazardous — it’s about a 70-foot drop to water,” said Alan Dreesback with Portage Environmental, the state’s consultant at the site.