

View synonyms for -ing


  1. a suffix of nouns formed from verbs, expressing the action of the verb or its result, product, material, etc. ( the art of building; a new building; cotton wadding ). It is also used to form nouns from words other than verbs ( offing; shirting ). Verbal nouns ending in -ing are often used attributively ( the printing trade ) and in forming compounds ( drinking song ). In some compounds ( sewing machine ), the first element might reasonably be regarded as the participial adjective, -ing2, the compound thus meaning “a machine that sews,” but it is commonly taken as a verbal noun, the compound being explained as “a machine for sewing.”


  1. a suffix forming the present participle of verbs ( walking; thinking ), such participles being often used as participial adjectives: warring factions.


  1. a native English suffix meaning “one belonging to,” “of the kind of,” “one descended from,” and sometimes having a diminutive force, formerly used in the formation of nouns: farthing; shilling; bunting; gelding; whiting.



suffix forming nouns

  1. from verbs the action of, process of, result of, or something connected with the verb


    a wedding



  2. from other nouns something used in, consisting of, involving, etc



  3. ( from other parts of speech )

    an outing

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




  1. forming the present participle of verbs



  2. forming participial adjectives

    a sinking ship

    a growing boy

  3. forming adjectives not derived from verbs


“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



suffix forming nouns

  1. a person or thing having a certain quality or being of a certain kind



“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Pronunciation Note

The common suffix -ing2 can be pronounced in modern English as either [‑ing] or [‑in], with either the velar nasal consonant [ng], symbolized in IPA as [ŋ], or the alveolar nasal consonant [n], symbolized in IPA as [n]. The [‑in] pronunciation therefore reflects the use of one nasal as against another and not, as is popularly supposed, “dropping the g, ” since no actual g -sound is involved. Many speakers use both pronunciations, depending on the speed of utterance and the relative formality of the occasion, with [‑ing] considered the more formal variant. For some educated speakers, especially in the southern United States and Britain, [‑in] is in fact the more common pronunciation, while for other educated speakers, [‑ing] is common in virtually all circumstances. In response to correction from perceived authorities, many American speakers who would ordinarily use [‑in] at least some of the time make a conscious effort to say [‑ing], even in informal circumstances.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of -ing1

Middle English; Old English -ing, -ung

Origin of -ing2

Middle English -ing, -inge ; the variant -in (usually represented in spelling as -inʾ ) continues Middle English -inde, -ende, Old English -ende

Origin of -ing3

Middle English, Old English -ing, cognate with Old Norse -ingr, -ungr, Gothic -ings
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Word History and Origins

Origin of -ing1

Old English -ing, -ung

Origin of -ing2

Middle English -ing, -inde, from Old English -ende

Origin of -ing3

Old English -ing; related to Old Norse -ingr
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Example Sentences

She can only scream: “I don’t wanna be here, I don’t wanna be here with these evil f–ing people! They’re f–ing evil!”

“I would rather die. I would rather f—ing die. What am I supposed to tell my family?” he says.

“Are they being f—ing serious?”

“Nobody celebrates these new people, so why the f— will anybody want to be the face of the league when you’re going to get s— on, on every network for not being somebody from 40 f—ing years ago? It’s ridiculous. It is unfair.”

The management company at the time said, “No f—ing way,” but I pushed really hard and finally got a chance to do it.


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