

View synonyms for intolerant


[ in-tol-er-uhnt ]


  1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.

    Synonyms: proscriptive, totalitarian, dictatorial, biased, prejudiced, narrow, illiberal

    Antonyms: liberal

  2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure (usually followed by of ):

    intolerant of very hot weather.

  3. unable to fully digest or absorb a specified food or drug (used postpositively or in combination):

    lactose intolerant; aspirin-intolerant.


  1. an intolerant person; bigot.


/ ɪnˈtɒlərənt /


  1. lacking respect for practices and beliefs other than one's own
  2. postpositivefoll byof not able or willing to tolerate or endure

    intolerant of noise

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • inˈtolerance, noun
  • inˈtolerantly, adverb
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Other Words From

  • in·toler·ant·ly adverb
  • quasi-in·toler·ant adjective
  • quasi-in·toler·ant·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of intolerant1

1725–35; < Latin intolerant- (stem of intolerāns ) impatient. See in- 3, tolerant
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Synonym Study

Intolerant, fanatical, bigoted refer to strongly illiberal attitudes. Intolerant refers to an active refusal to allow others to have or put into practice beliefs different from one's own: intolerant in politics; intolerant of other customs. Bigoted is to be so emotionally or subjectively attached to one's own belief as to be hostile to all others: a bigoted person. Fanatical applies to unreasonable or extreme action in maintaining one's beliefs and practices without necessary reference to others: a fanatical religious sect.
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Example Sentences

Some UK employees fear Trump's rhetoric could normalise intolerant attitudes in the workplace, even if DEI policies remain intact.

From BBC

At one time or another, you've probably come across someone who is lactose intolerant and might experience some unpleasant gut symptoms if they have dairy.

From Salon

One reason is that Chinese companies in Thailand have historically been intolerant of labor unions.

With more than a third of US consumers lactose intolerant, this market will need to double just to address our basic health requirements.

From Salon

Throw a dart anywhere on a world map and she’s there, or has been there, leading nations and governments that Americans often label as inferior or intolerant.




