

John Paul II


  1. Karol Wojtyla, 1920–2005, Polish ecclesiastic: pope 1978–2005.

John Paul II


  1. John Paul II19202005MPolishRELIGION: pope original name Karol Wojtyla. 1920–2005, pope (1978–2005), born in Poland: the first non-Italian to be elected since 1522
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Outside the Gemelli Hospital in Rome stands a large statue of one of its most famous patients, Pope John Paul II.

From BBC

The date of the ceremony had to be changed because of the death of Pope John Paul II, with the then Prince Charles travelling to Rome to attend the funeral.

From BBC

O'Connor tore a photo of Pope John Paul II after a performance on the sketch show in October 1992.

From Salon

On Oct 3, 1992, Sinéad O’Connor tore up a picture of Pope John Paul II on “Saturday Night Live,” effectively destroying her mainstream pop career with a single act of protest against the Catholic Church.

The late Pope John Paul II spent just five hours in the city state in 1986, which included officiating Mass at the old National Stadium.

From BBC





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