


[ joon ]


  1. the sixth month of the year, containing 30 days. : Jun.
  2. a female given name.


/ dʒuːn /


  1. the sixth month of the year, consisting of 30 days
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of June1

before 1050; Middle English jun ( e ), Old English iunius < Latin ( mēnsis ) Jūnius, after the name of a gens; replacing Middle English juyng < Old French juin ( g ) < Latin, as above
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Word History and Origins

Origin of June1

Old English iunius, from Latin junius, probably from Junius name of Roman gens
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Example Sentences

He has said his job was to give "direct advice" to the Chancellor Rachel Reeves and Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones about how to save money in June's Spending Review.

From BBC

The work was premiered by the Frankfurt Opera in June 1937, with costumed performers and sets.

Weston Cage was arrested last June and charged with two felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon.

From BBC

In June 2023 she was arrested and released without charge as part of a police investigation into SNP finances.

From BBC

Newsom said on his podcast Tuesday that the board would hold independent hearings for each brother on June 13 and then file a report assessing whether they would pose a risk to society if released.


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More About June

What is June?

June is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It has 30 days and is between May and July.

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer begins during June, while in the Southern Hemisphere, winter begins.

A solstice happens in June, often marked on June 21, although the actual day may be June 20, 21, or 22. A solstice is when the sun is the farthest from the Earth’s celestial equator. The Northern Hemisphere experiences its summer solstice, with the sun reaching the northernmost point on the celestial sphere. Naturally, the Southern Hemisphere experiences its winter solstice.

In the United States, June 19 marks Juneteenth, a holiday that celebrates the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States in the 1860s. June 19 is the anniversary of the day Union Army general Gordon Granger proclaimed the slaves free in the state of Texas. (You can learn more about this holiday in our article on Juneteenth.)

Example: After I get out of classes in June, I am ready for the long days of summer!

Where does June come from?

The first records of the word June come from before 1050. It ultimately comes from the Latin mēnsis Jūnius, meaning “Juno’s month.”

The Roman goddess Juno’s name comes from the Latin word iuventas meaning “youth.” Juno was often associated with youth because she was the goddess of fertility and watched over Roman babies. The month was likely named to honor her as the summer time was when most weddings occurred in Rome, and Juno was said to watch over and bless couples at their weddings.

Much like April, May, and August, June can be used as a given name, typically for women. June became a popular first name in the 1900s and has consistently been within the top 300 baby names since 1925. You can learn more about June in our article “How Did The Month Of June Get Its Name?

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to June?

What are some words that share a root or word element with June?

What are some words that often get used in discussing June?

How is June used in real life?

June is known for being the beginning of the summer or winter season.


Try using June!

True or False? 

June is named after the Roman goddess of fertility, Juno.



