


[ ken-i-dee ]


  1. Anthony M. born 1936, U.S. jurist, Supreme Court justice 1988–2018.
  2. Edward Moore Ted, 1932–2009 U.S. politician: senator from Massachusetts 1962–2009.
  3. Jacqueline Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Onassis Jackie 1929–94, wife of John F. Kennedy (1953–63) and Aristotle Onassis (1968–75).
  4. John Fitzgerald JFK, 1917–63, thirty-fifth president of the U.S. 1961–63.
  5. Joseph Patrick, 1888–1969, U.S. financier and diplomat (father of Edward Moore, John Fitzgerald, and Robert Francis).
  6. Robert Francis, 1925–68, U.S. political leader and government official: attorney general 1961–64; senator from New York 1965–68.
  7. William, born 1928, U.S. novelist.
  8. Cape, former name (1963–73) of Cape Canaveral.
  9. John F., International Airport. John F. Kennedy International Airport.
  10. Mount, a mountain in the SW Yukon Territory, Canada, in the St. Elias Range. 13,904 feet (4,238 meters).



/ ˈkɛnɪdɪ /


  1. Cape Kennedy
    a former name (1963–73) of (Cape) Canaveral
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ ˈkɛnɪdɪ /


  1. KennedyCharles Peter1959MBritishPOLITICS: politician Charles Peter. born 1959, British politician, leader of the Liberal Democrats (1999–2006)
  2. KennedyEdward (Moore)19322009MUSPOLITICS: politician Edward ( Moore ), known as Ted . 1932–2009, US Democrat politician; senator 1962–2009
  3. KennedyJohn (Fitzgerald)19171963MUSPOLITICS: statesmanPOLITICS: head of state his brother, John ( Fitzgerald ), known as JFK. 1917–63, US Democrat statesman; 35th president of the US (1961–63), the first Roman Catholic and the youngest man ever to be president. He demanded the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba (1962) and prepared civil rights reforms; assassinated
  4. KennedyNigel (Paul)1956MBritishMUSIC: violinist Nigel ( Paul ). born 1956, British violinist, noted for his flamboyant style
  5. KennedyRobert (Francis)19251968MUSPOLITICS: statesman Robert ( Francis ), known as Bobby, brother of John Kennedy. 1925–68, US Democrat statesman; attorney general (1961–64) and senator for New York (1965–68); assassinated
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Example Sentences

U.S. secretary of health and human services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has directed the U.S.

From Salon

The next morning, after the “Misfits” wig goes on and makeup artist Kennedy’s Warhol paint is stamped, I watch over Cerezo’s shoulder as De la Huerta steps into the dress.

Last week, Bass foes launched a campaign to recall her from office with financial support from Nicole Shanahan, a Silicon Valley philanthropist and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s former running mate.

Two weeks earlier, Kennedy and Yates allegedly stabbed to death Jonathan Rude, a convicted car thief from Butte County, according to officials.

The only study Kennedy will publicly endorse isn't really a study, but a blog post written by anti-vaccine activists.

From Salon




