

left brain


  1. the cerebral hemisphere on the left side of the corpus callosum, controlling activity on the right side of the body: in humans, usually showing some degree of specialization for language and calculation.

left brain


    1. the left hemisphere of the human brain, which is believed to control linear and analytical thinking, decision-making, and language
    2. ( as modifier )

      a left-brain activity

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

left brain

/ lĕft /

  1. The cerebral hemisphere located on the left side of the corpus callosum. The left brain controls activities on the right side of the body, and in humans, usually controls speech and language functions. The thought processes of logic and calculation are generally associated with the left brain.

left brain

  1. A popular term that describes the analytic, rational, and straight-line-thinking functions of the left half of the cerebral cortex . ( Compare right brain ; see brain .)
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Example Sentences

The former soldier, who was left brain damaged, told the trial: "It felt like death was coming."

From BBC

His 25-year-old son Jordan was left brain dead almost 3 years ago after a hit-and-run.

Those who have a stroke in their left brain hemisphere, which serves as the center of language processing in most people, are particularly vulnerable.

“These days, we have phones calling all the time, and interruptions, which is exactly what keeps us stuck in the left brain. It stops us from being creative.”

A one-year-old boy who was left brain damaged when he was found face down in a bath can have his ventilator removed, a High Court judge ruled.

From BBC





Left Bankleft-brained