[ lev-uhl ]
- having no part higher than another; having a flat or even surface.
Synonyms: flush
Antonyms: uneven
- being in a plane parallel to the plane of the horizon; horizontal.
Synonyms: flush
Antonyms: vertical
- equal, as one thing with another or two or more things with one another.
- even, equable, or uniform.
- filled to a height even with the rim of a container:
a level teaspoon of salt.
to keep a level head in a crisis.
- a device used for determining or adjusting something to a horizontal surface.
- Surveying.
- Also called sur·vey·or's lev·el [ser-, vey, -erz lev-, uh, l]. an instrument for observing levels, having a sighting device, usually telescopic, and capable of being made precisely horizontal.
- an observation made with this instrument.
- an imaginary line or surface everywhere at right angles to the plumb line.
- the horizontal line or plane in which anything is situated, with regard to its elevation.
- a horizontal position or condition.
- an extent of land approximately horizontal and unbroken by irregularities.
- a level or flat surface.
- a position with respect to a given or specified height:
The water rose to a level of 30 feet.
His acting was on the level of an amateur.
They associated only with those on their own economic level.
- an extent, measure, or degree of intensity, achievement, etc.:
a high level of sound; an average level of writing skill.
- Linguistics. a major subdivision of linguistic structure, as phonology, morphology, or syntax, often viewed as hierarchically ordered. Compare component ( def 6a ), stratum ( def 8 ).
- Mining. the interconnected horizontal mine workings at a particular elevation or depth:
There had been a cave-in on the 1,500-foot level.
- (in a video game or role-playing game)
- a discrete section in game design or narrative that ends with a culminating event, as a boss battle.
verb (used with object)
- to make (a surface) level, even, or flat:
to level ground before building.
- to raise or lower to a particular level or position; to make horizontal.
- to bring (something) to the level of the ground; raze:
They leveled the trees to make way for the new highway.
- Informal. to knock down (a person):
He leveled his opponent with one blow.
- to make equal, as in status or condition.
Synonyms: equalize
- to make even or uniform, as coloring.
- Historical Linguistics. (of the alternative forms of a paradigm) to reduce in number or regularize:
Old English “him” (dative) and “hine” (accusative) have been leveled to Modern English “him.”
- to aim or point (a weapon, criticism, etc.) at a mark or objective:
He leveled his criticism at the college as a whole.
Synonyms: direct
- Surveying. to find the relative elevation of different points in (land), as with a level.
verb (used without object)
- to bring things or persons to a common level.
- to aim a weapon, criticism, etc., at a mark or objective.
- Surveying.
- to take a level.
- to use a leveling instrument.
- to speak truthfully and openly (often followed by with ):
You're not leveling with me about your trip to Chicago.
- Obsolete. to direct the mind, purpose, etc., at something.
- Obsolete. in a level, direct, or even way or line.
verb phrase
- Aeronautics. to maintain a constant altitude after a climb or descent.
- to become stable; reach a constant or limit.
- to make even or smooth.
- (in a video game or tabletop game) to obtain a higher character level or skill rank, or improve the quality or performance statistics of an object, as a weapon.
- to perform at a higher standard than expected, or show vast improvement: Your date is smokin’ hot—way to level up, bro!
It’s possible for a small business to level up and land big clients.
Your date is smokin’ hot—way to level up, bro!
/ ˈlɛvəl /
- on a horizontal plane
- having a surface of completely equal height
- being of the same height as something else
- (of quantities to be measured, as in recipes) even with the top of the cup, spoon, etc
- equal to or even with (something or someone else)
- not having or showing inconsistency or irregularities
- Alsolevel-headed even-tempered; steady
- trsometimes foll byoff to make (a surface) horizontal, level, or even
- to make (two or more people or things) equal, as in position or status
- tr to raze to the ground
- tr to knock (a person) down by or as if by a blow
- tr to direct (a gaze, criticism, etc) emphatically at someone
- informal.introften foll bywith to be straightforward and frank
- intr; foll by off or out to manoeuvre an aircraft into a horizontal flight path after a dive, climb, or glide
- often foll by at to aim (a weapon) horizontally
- surveying to determine the elevation of a section of (land), sighting through a levelling instrument to a staff at successive pairs or points
- a horizontal datum line or plane
- a device, such as a spirit level, for determining whether a surface is horizontal
- a surveying instrument consisting basically of a telescope with a spirit level attached, used for measuring relative heights of land See Abney level dumpy level
- a reading of the difference in elevation of two points taken with such an instrument
- position or status in a scale of values
- amount or degree of progress; stage
- a specified vertical position; altitude
- a horizontal line or plane with respect to which measurement of elevation is based
sea level
- a flat even surface or area of land
- a horizontal passage or drift in a mine
- any of the successive layers of material that have been deposited with the passage of time to build up and raise the height of the land surface
- physics the ratio of the magnitude of a physical quantity to an arbitrary magnitude
sound-pressure level
- do one's level bestto make every possible effort; try one's utmost
- find one's levelto find one's most suitable place socially, professionally, etc
- on a levelon the same horizontal plane as another
- on the level informal.sincere, honest, or genuine
Derived Forms
- ˈlevelness, noun
- ˈlevelly, adverb
Other Words From
- lev·el·ly adverb
- lev·el·ness noun
- an·ti·lev·el·ing adjective
- an·ti·lev·el·ling adjective
- in·ter·lev·el adjective
- non·lev·el adjective
- re·lev·el verb releveled releveling or (especially British) relevelled relevelling
- self-lev·el·ing adjective
- self-lev·el·ling adjective
- un·der·lev·el adjective
- un·lev·el adjective
- un·lev·el·ly adverb
- un·lev·el·ness noun
- un·lev·eled adjective
- un·lev·elled adjective
- well-lev·eled adjective
- well-lev·elled adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of level1
Word History and Origins
Origin of level1
Idioms and Phrases
- find one's (own) level, to attain the place or position merited by one's abilities or achievements:
He finally found his level as one of the directors of the firm.
- on the level, Informal. honest; sincere; reliable:
Is this information on the level?
- one's level best, one's very best; one's utmost:
We tried our level best to get here on time.
More idioms and phrases containing level
- do one's (level) best
- on the level
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
"Given the level of scrutiny that will happen if she ever applies for a visa again, I'll be surprised if she even bothers," Burke said in a statement.
"I'm not a top 10 player until I'm there and I'm always hungry for more and want to prove my level."
The level of oxygen in the body suddenly drops, while the build-up of carbon dioxide significantly increases.
The BBC took a soil sample from Robin's garden on the banks of the Ystwyth and it revealed a very high reading of lead - well above the recommended safe level for gardening.
However, states already fund the vast majority of education spending and policies are largely made at the state and local school district level.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.