

View synonyms for life


[ lahyf ]


plural lives
  1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
  2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.
  3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual:

    to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one.

  4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul:

    eternal life.

  5. the general or universal condition of human existence:

    Too bad, but life is like that.

  6. any specified period of animate existence:

    a man in middle life.

  7. the period of existence, activity, or effectiveness of something inanimate, as a machine, lease, or play:

    The life of the car may be ten years.

  8. a living being, especially a human being:

    Several lives were lost.

  9. living things collectively:

    the hope of discovering life on other planets; insect life.

  10. a particular aspect of existence:

    He enjoys an active physical life.

  11. the course of existence or sum of experiences and actions that constitute a person's existence:

    His business has been his entire life.

  12. a biography:

    a newly published life of Willa Cather.

  13. animation; liveliness; spirit:

    a speech full of life.

    Synonyms: sprightliness, energy, activity, verve, vigor, vivacity

    Antonyms: inertia

  14. resilience; elasticity.
  15. the force that makes or keeps something alive; the vivifying or quickening principle:

    The life of the treaty has been an increase of mutual understanding and respect.

  16. a mode or manner of existence, as in the world of affairs or society:

    So far her business life has not overlapped her social life.

  17. the period or extent of authority, popularity, approval, etc.:

    the life of the committee; the life of a bestseller.

  18. a prison sentence covering the remaining portion of the offender's animate existence:

    The judge gave him life.

  19. anything or anyone considered to be as precious as life:

    She was his life.

  20. a person or thing that enlivens, cheers, or brightens a gathering or group:

    the life of the party.

  21. effervescence or sparkle, as of wines.
  22. pungency or strong, sharp flavor, as of substances when fresh or in good condition.
  23. nature or any of the forms of nature as the model or subject of a work of art:

    drawn from life.

  24. Baseball. another opportunity given to a batter to bat because of a misplay by a fielder.
  25. (in English pool) one of a limited number of shots allowed a player:

    Each pool player has three lives at the beginning of the game.


  1. for or lasting a lifetime; lifelong:

    a life membership in a club; life imprisonment.

  2. of or relating to animate existence:

    the life force; life functions.

  3. working from nature or using a living model:

    a life drawing; a life class in oil painting.


/ laɪf /


  1. the state or quality that distinguishes living beings or organisms from dead ones and from inorganic matter, characterized chiefly by metabolism, growth, and the ability to reproduce and respond to stimuli animatevital
  2. the period between birth and death
  3. a living person or being

    to save a life

  4. the time between birth and the present time
    1. the remainder or extent of one's life
    2. ( as modifier )

      a life sentence

      life membership

      life subscription

      life work

  5. the amount of time that something is active or functioning

    the life of a battery

  6. a present condition, state, or mode of existence

    my life is very dull here

    1. a biography
    2. ( as modifier )

      a life story

    1. a characteristic state or mode of existence

      town life

    2. ( as modifier )

      life style

  7. the sum or course of human events and activities
  8. liveliness or high spirits

    full of life

  9. a source of strength, animation, or vitality

    he was the life of the show

  10. all living things, taken as a whole

    there is no life on Mars

    plant life

  11. sparkle, as of wines
  12. strong or high flavour, as of fresh food
  13. modifier arts drawn or taken from a living model

    a life mask

    life drawing

  14. physics another name for lifetime
  15. (in certain games) one of a number of opportunities of participation
  16. as large as life informal.
    real and living
  17. larger than life
    in an exaggerated form
  18. come to life
    1. to become animate or conscious
    2. to be realistically portrayed or represented
  19. for dear life
    urgently or with extreme vigour or desperation
  20. for the life of one
    though trying desperately
  21. go for your life informal.
    an expression of encouragement
  22. a matter of life and death
    a matter of extreme urgency
  23. not on your life informal.
    certainly not
  24. the life and soul informal.
    a person regarded as the main source of merriment and liveliness

    the life and soul of the party

  25. the life of Riley informal.
    an easy life
  26. to the life
    (of a copy or image) resembling the original exactly
  27. to save one's life informal.
    in spite of all considerations or attempts

    he couldn't play football to save his life

  28. the time of one's life
    a memorably enjoyable time
  29. true to life
    faithful to reality
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ līf /

  1. The properties or qualities that distinguish living plants and organisms from dead or inanimate matter, including the capacity to grow, metabolize nutrients, respond to stimuli, reproduce, and adapt to the environment. The definitive beginning and end of human life are complex concepts informed by medical, legal, sociological, and religious considerations.
  2. Living organisms considered as a group, such as the plants or animals of a given region.
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Other Words From

  • pre·life adjective
  • un·der·life noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of life1

First recorded before 900; Middle English lif(e), Old English līf; cognate with Dutch lijf, German Leib “body,” Old Norse līf “life, body”; akin to live 1
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Word History and Origins

Origin of life1

Old English līf; related to Old High German lib, Old Norse līf life, body
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. as large as life, actually; indeed: Also as big as life.

    There he stood, as large as life.

  2. come to life,
    1. to recover consciousness.
    2. to become animated and vigorous:

      The evening passed, but somehow the party never came to life.

    3. to appear lifelike:

      The characters of the novel came to life on the screen.

  3. for dear life, with desperate effort, energy, or speed: Also for one's life.

    We ran for dear life, with the dogs at our heels.

  4. for the life of one, as hard as one tries; even with the utmost effort:

    He can't understand it for the life of him.

  5. get a life, to improve the quality of one's social and professional life: often used in the imperative to express impatience with someone's behavior:

    Stop wasting time with that nonsense; get a life!

  6. not on your life, Informal. absolutely not; under no circumstances; by no means:

    Will I stand for such a thing? Not on your life!

  7. take one's life in one's hands, to risk death knowingly:

    We were warned that we were taking our lives in our hands by going through that swampy area.

  8. to the life, in perfect imitation; exactly:

    The portrait characterized him to the life.

More idioms and phrases containing life

  • bet one's ass (life)
  • big as life
  • breathe new life into
  • bring to life
  • change of life
  • charmed life
  • come alive (to life)
  • dog's life
  • facts of life
  • for dear life
  • for the life of
  • get a life
  • good life
  • late in life
  • lay down (one's life)
  • lead a double life
  • matter of life and death
  • new lease on life
  • not on your life
  • of one's life
  • once in a lifetime
  • prime of life
  • risk life and limb
  • run for it (one's life)
  • staff of life
  • story of my life
  • take someone's life
  • to save one's life
  • to the life
  • true to (life)
  • variety is the spice of life
  • walk of life
  • while there's life there's hope
  • you bet (your life)
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Example Sentences

“I have never in my life bought or leased a car for political reasons,” Andreone said.

“I miss my other kids. I miss my friends. I miss many things about life there at home, and I’m trying to find a home here, in this beautiful country.”

With a fresh perspective, Jeanine can identify the parts of her life that converge with Charles’ version of “Salome,” which speculates abuse between the titular character and her father.

From Salon

"Pokémon Go is more than just a game to me, it's my life's work," he said.

From BBC

Ms Pichardo holds out little hope that even if the fentanyl trade is cut off from Mexico that it will improve people's lives in Kensington.

From BBC


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What Is The Plural Of Life?

Plural word for life

The plural form of life is lives, pronounced [ lahyvz ]. The plurals of some other singular words that end -ife are also formed in this way, including wife/wives and knife/knives. A similar change is made when pluralizing scarf as scarves

Irregular plurals that are formed like lives derive directly from their original pluralization in Old English.

When used with a modifier or as part of a compound noun, life is sometimes pluralized with the standard English plural ending -s, as in still life/still lifes (not still lives) and lowlife/lowlifes (not lowlives).

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.



