


[ loo-ee-zee-an-uh, loo-uh-zee-, loo-ee- ]


  1. a state in the southern United States. 48,522 sq. mi. (125,672 sq. km). : Baton Rouge. : LA (for use with zip code), La.


/ luːˌiːzɪˈænə /


  1. a state of the southern US, on the Gulf of Mexico: originally a French colony; bought by the US in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase; chiefly low-lying. Capital: Baton Rouge. Pop: 4 496 334 (2003 est). Area: 116 368 sq km (44 930 sq miles) AbbreviationLawith zip codeLA
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. State in the southeastern United States bordered by Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east, the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and Texas to the west. Its capital is Baton Rouge, and its largest city is New Orleans .
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One of the Confederate states during the Civil War .
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Other Words From

  • Lou·isi·anan Lou·isi·ani·an adjective noun
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Example Sentences

Twelve Louisiana voters challenged the new map in federal court last spring, and the court scrapped the configuration, ruling that the district created an unconstitutional racial gerrymander.

From Salon

ICE agents detained him at his university-owned Manhattan apartment and initially placed him in a New Jersey immigration facility before transferring him to a detention centre in Jena, Louisiana, according to ICE records.

From BBC

Khalil was initially detained in a New Jersey facility but has since been moved to Louisiana, according to ICE.

From Salon

Louisiana State , meanwhile, wanted him as its top assistant, working closely with future No. 1 pick Ben Simmons.

Mr Wilson was a 20-year-old college band member and mechanical engineering student at Southern University and A&M, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

From BBC





Louis ILouisiana French