

View synonyms for malignant


[ muh-lig-nuhnt ]


  1. disposed to cause harm, suffering, or distress deliberately; feeling or showing ill will or hatred.

    Synonyms: malevolent, spiteful

    Antonyms: benign

  2. very dangerous or harmful in influence or effect.

    Synonyms: pernicious, hurtful, perilous

    Antonyms: benign

  3. Pathology.
    1. tending to produce death, as bubonic plague.
    2. (of a tumor) characterized by uncontrolled growth; cancerous, invasive, or metastatic.

    Antonyms: benign


/ məˈlɪɡnənt /


  1. having or showing desire to harm others
  2. tending to cause great harm; injurious
  3. pathol (of a tumour) uncontrollable or resistant to therapy; rapidly spreading
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. history (in the English Civil War) a Parliamentarian term for a royalist
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ mə-lĭgnənt /

  1. Tending to have a destructive clinical course, as a malignant illness.
  2. Relating to cancer cells that are invasive and tend to metastasize. Malignant tumor cells are histologically more primitive than normal tissue.
  3. Compare benign


  1. A descriptive term for things or conditions that threaten life or well-being. Malignant is the opposite of benign .
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The term is often used in a general way to denote something that is both destructive and fast growing: “The malignant growth of the suburbs is destroying the landscape.”
The term malignant is used in describing cancerous tumors ( see cancer ) because such growths are a threat to the health of the individual.
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Derived Forms

  • maˈlignantly, adverb
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Other Words From

  • ma·lignant·ly adverb
  • nonma·lignant adjective
  • nonma·lignant·ly adverb
  • semi·ma·lignant adjective
  • semi·ma·lignant·ly adverb
  • unma·lignant adjective
  • unma·lignant·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of malignant1

First recorded in 1535–45; from Late Latin malignant-, stem of malignāns, present participle of malignāre “to act maliciously”; malign, -ant
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Word History and Origins

Origin of malignant1

C16: from Late Latin malīgnāre to behave spitefully, from Latin malīgnus malign
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Example Sentences

Last month, my son reached two years in remission from a rare, malignant cancer that almost took his eye and his life.

It makes sense that, after nearly a decade of most Americans rejecting him, a malignant narcissist like Trump would detest Americans categorically, and wish nothing more than to punish them all.

From Salon

America is rapidly succumbing to a state of malignant normality and moral inversion.

From Salon

What results from this situation is malignant normality, society’s routinization of falsehood and destructive behavior.

From Salon

Lawyers acting for sub-postmasters told the inquiry on Monday the Post Office's "cruel" and "malignant culture" had "destroyed the innocent".

From BBC


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Malignant Vs. Benign

What’s the difference between malignant and benign?

In a medical context, the word malignant is used to describe harmful masses or tumors that are cancerous and that grow and spread disease. The word benign is the opposite—it’s used to describe masses or tumors that are not cancerous (those that do not spread disease to other parts of the body).

Both words are sometimes also used in general ways. Malignant can mean harmful or intended or intending to cause harm, while benign can mean kind, favorable, or gracious.

The best clue to help remember their meanings is the prefix mal-, which means “bad” and shows up in a lot of other negative words, such as malfunction, malpractice, malicious, and maleficent.

Here’s an example of malignant and benign used correctly in the same sentence.

Example: She was afraid the lump was a malignant tumor, but it turned out to be a benign cyst—totally harmless.

Want to learn more? Read the full breakdown of the difference between malignant and benign.

Quiz yourself on malignant vs. benign!

Should malignant or benign be used in the following sentence?

I can assure you that my intentions are completely _____—I mean no harm.



