[ adjective noun mod-er-it, mod-rit; verb mod-uh-reyt ]
- kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense:
a moderate price.
Synonyms: calm, steady, cool, just, judicious, temperate, reasonable
- of medium quantity, extent, or amount:
a moderate income.
Synonyms: average
- mediocre or fair:
moderate talent.
- calm or mild, as of the weather.
- of or relating to moderates, as in politics or religion.
Antonyms: radical
- a person who is moderate in opinion or opposed to extreme views and actions, especially in politics or religion.
Antonyms: radical
- (usually initial capital letter) a member of a political party advocating moderate reform.
verb (used with object)
- to reduce the excessiveness of; make less violent, severe, intense, or rigorous:
to moderate the sharpness of one's words.
Synonyms: diminish, lessen, abate, appease, qualify, temper, mollify, soften, mitigate, calm, pacify, ameliorate
- to preside over or at (a public forum, meeting, discussion, etc.).
verb (used without object)
- to become less violent, severe, intense, or rigorous.
- to act as moderator; preside.
- not extreme or excessive; within due or reasonable limits
moderate demands
- not violent; mild or temperate
- of average quality or extent
moderate success
- a person who holds moderate views, esp in politics
- to become or cause to become less extreme or violent
- whenintr, often foll by over to preside over a meeting, discussion, etc
- to act as an external moderator of the overall standards and marks for (some types of educational assessment)
- physics to slow down (neutrons), esp by using a moderator
- tr to monitor (the conversations in an on-line chatroom) for bad language, inappropriate content, etc
Derived Forms
- ˈmoderately, adverb
- ˈmoderateness, noun
- ˈmoderatism, noun
Other Words From
- moder·ate·ly adverb
- moder·ate·ness noun
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of moderate1
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
The new maps add what the agency now defines as “high” and “moderate” severity zones as well.
A moderate to strong winter storm will likely bring periods of moderate to heavy rain and mountain snow to Southwest California Wednesday into Thursday.
The region has been experiencing a number of moderate earthquakes since 2024.
With the collapse of Democratic turnout for Harris' moderate campaign, Walz thinks it's up to the party to meet voters where they are on more progressive positions.
Nearly a third reported high stress levels and 40% reported moderate stress.