


[ mon-tree-awl, muhn- ]


  1. a seaport in S Quebec, in E Canada, on an island Montreal Island in the St. Lawrence.


/ ˌmɒntrɪˈɔːl /


  1. a city and major port in central Canada, in S Quebec on Montreal Island at the junction of the Ottawa and St Lawrence Rivers. Pop: 1 039 534 (2001) French nameMontréalmɔ̃real
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. City in southern Quebec province, Canada , on Montreal Island in the St. Lawrence River; a cultural, commercial, financial, and industrial center.
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Montreal is the second-largest French-speaking city in the world, after Paris , and the second-largest city in Canada, after Toronto .
It lies at the foot of Mount Royal, for which it is named.
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Other Words From

  • Montre·aler noun
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Example Sentences

David Décary-Hétu, a University of Montreal criminology professor, said the situation of dealers peddling drugs on social platforms had “slowly gotten better.”

Of the six who fought in Montreal, not one scored.

Here, there’s a running joke in which no one in Montreal knows anything about the rest of the country — that gag is as pointed as Rankin gets about real-world politics.

I’m really excited about a pilot that I shot in November in Montreal.

"You won't have the same impact as last time," said Julian Karaguesian, an economics lecturer at McGill University in Montreal and a former finance counsellor at the Canadian embassy in Washington DC.

From BBC





MontrachetMontreal canoe