

National Organization for Women


  1. a women's rights organization founded in 1966.

National Organization for Women

  1. A major feminist organization, founded in the middle 1960s, when the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission failed to enforce a clause in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender. One of its founders was Betty Friedan . NOW has worked to promote occupational opportunities for women and has supported legislative proposals that would guarantee women equality with men.
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Most major advocacy groups, like Planned Parenthood and the National Organization for Women, opposed this kind of legislation on the grounds it could create pathways for anti-abortion groups to pass more personhood laws and to further restrict abortion.

From Slate

Her mother, Carole Osman, founded the Broward County chapter of the National Organization for Women and Friedman spent her childhood canvassing for abortion rights and the Equal Rights Amendment at her side.

The National Organization for Women had urged the Boy Scouts to open membership to girls throughout its ranks.

She’s a sociologist who comes by her knowledge via degrees earned from Harvard, Princeton and Cambridge, and from personal touchstones: Her mother was Miss America 1970, and Friedman did a three-year turn as president of Rhode Island’s National Organization for Women chapter.

In 1971, the National Organization for Women accused Mattel of gender stereotyping boys and girls.





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