


[ nahy-jeer-ee-uh ]


  1. a republic in western Africa: member of the Commonwealth of Nations; formerly a British colony and protectorate. 356,669 sq. mi. (923,773 sq. km). : Abuja.


/ naɪˈdʒɪərɪə /


  1. a republic in West Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea: Lagos annexed by the British in 1861; protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria formed in 1900 and united as a colony in 1914; gained independence as a member of the Commonwealth in 1960 (membership suspended from 1995 to 1999 following human rights violations); Eastern Region seceded as the Republic of Biafra for the duration of the severe civil war (1967–70); ruled by military governments from 1966. It consists of a belt of tropical rain forest in the south, with semidesert in the extreme north and highlands in the east; the main export is petroleum. Official language: English; Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba are the chief regional languages. Religion: animist, Muslim, and Christian. Currency: naira. Capital: Abuja. Pop: 174 507 539 (2013 est). Area: 923 773 sq km (356 669 sq miles)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. A nation in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea (an arm of the Atlantic Ocean ), bordered by Niger to the north, Chad and Cameroon to the east, and Benin to the west. Lagos is the capital and largest city.
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With over 110 million inhabitants, Nigeria is Africa's most populous country.
Nigeria has been independent from Britain since 1960, and its independent history has been marked by bloodshed and instability. An ill-fated separatist movement established the secessionist state of Biafra in southeastern Nigeria from 1967 to 1970.
The city-state of Benin, in what is now Nigeria, flourished from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries as a center of commerce and culture . It was famous for its cast-gold sculptures.
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Other Words From

  • an·ti-Ni·ge·ri·an adjective noun
  • Ni·ge·ri·an adjective noun
  • pro-Ni·ge·ri·an adjective noun
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Example Sentences

People affected by leprosy in Nigeria should be able to get hold of vital drugs to treat the disease for the first time in a year from this weekend, the World Health Organization has said.

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UK officials are checking for any possible cases of Lassa fever after a traveller to England, who has since returned to Nigeria, is known to have been infected.

From BBC

Nearly a week since Uduaghan's interview with Arise TV where she first made the accusations, the issue has dominated discussions across Nigeria.

From BBC

The issue has generated huge debate in Nigeria with many calling for an independent investigation.

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Just over two decades ago, Sharia, or Islamic law, was introduced to work alongside secular law in 12 of Nigeria's northern states that have a majority Muslim population.

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