

View synonyms for operation


[ op-uh-rey-shuhn ]


  1. an act or instance, process, or manner of functioning or operating.
  2. the state of being operative (usually preceded by in or into ):

    a rule no longer in operation.

  3. the power to act; efficacy, influence, or force.
  4. the exertion of force, power, or influence; agency:

    the operation of alcohol on the mind.

  5. a process of a practical or mechanical nature in some form of work or production:

    a delicate operation in watchmaking.

  6. a course or procedure of productive or industrial activity:

    building operations.

  7. a particular process or course:

    mental operations.

  8. a business transaction, especially one of a speculative nature; deal:

    a shady operation.

  9. a business, especially one run on a large scale:

    a multinational operation.

  10. Surgery. a procedure aimed at restoring or improving the health of a patient, as by correcting a malformation, removing diseased parts, implanting new parts, etc.
  11. Mathematics.
    1. a mathematical process, as addition, multiplication, or differentiation.
    2. the action of applying a mathematical process to a quantity or quantities.
  12. Computers. any discrete activity or action that is performed by a computer, as reading, writing, processing, sending, or receiving data:

    The http request operation has timed out.

  13. Military.
    1. a campaign, mission, maneuver, or action.
    2. Usually operations. the conduct of a campaign, mission, etc.
    3. operations, a headquarters, office, or place from which a military campaign, air traffic to and from an airfield, or any of various other activities, is planned, conducted, and controlled.
    4. operations, the people who work at such a headquarters.


/ ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən /


  1. the act, process, or manner of operating
  2. the state of being in effect, in action, or operative (esp in the phrases in or into operation )
  3. a process, method, or series of acts, esp of a practical or mechanical nature
  4. surgery any manipulation of the body or one of its organs or parts to repair damage, arrest the progress of a disease, remove foreign matter, etc
    1. a military or naval action, such as a campaign, manoeuvre, etc
    2. ( capital and prenominal when part of a name )

      Operation Crossbow

  5. maths
    1. any procedure, such as addition, multiplication, involution, or differentiation, in which one or more numbers or quantities are operated upon according to specific rules
    2. a function from a set onto itself
  6. a commercial or financial transaction
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ ŏp′ə-rāshən /

  1. Medicine.
    A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, ailment, defect, or dysfunction.
  2. Mathematics.
    A process or action, such as addition, substitution, transposition, or differentiation, performed in a specified sequence and in accordance with specific rules.
  3. A logical operation.
  4. Computer Science.
    An action resulting from a single instruction.
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Other Words From

  • mis·op·er·a·tion noun
  • pre·op·er·a·tion noun
  • re·op·er·a·tion noun
  • sub·op·er·a·tion noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of operation1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English operacioun, oparacion, operation, from Latin operātiōn- (stem of operātiō ), equivalent to operāt(us) + -iōn- noun suffix of action or condition; operate
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Example Sentences

He has brought 23 Spanish coaches to Villa's Bodymoor Heath training headquarters, all working within strict demarcation - while the bond with old Sevilla ally, president of football operations Monchi, is vital.

From BBC

President Sheinbaum also said she had agreed to the CIA increasing surveillance drone operations over Mexican territory in search of fentanyl drugs labs, after the media revealed the covert missions.

From BBC

The military spokesperson said 33 militants were killed during the operation.

From BBC

Det Ch Insp Johnny Campbell, senior investigating officer from the East Midlands special operations unit, said he wanted to thank officers and staff who had worked "tirelessly" since the "very tragic events".

From BBC

The operations point person, typically a fire official, works with incident commanders to maintain a map of the fire perimeter, which more senior fire officials use to recommend evacuations.





operating theatreoperational