

View synonyms for out of business

out of business

  1. No longer carrying on commercial transactions, as in He's decided to go out of business when he turns sixty-five , or The supermarkets are putting the small grocers out of business .

  2. Not in working order, inoperative, as in It looks as though the merry-go-round is out of business tonight . Also see out of commission ; go out , def. 5.

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Example Sentences

Premiership sides Wasps, London Irish and Worcester Warriors went out of business during the 2022-23 season, while the last set of accounts from the top-flight clubs showed collective losses of £30.5m and net debts of more than £300m.

From BBC

At heart, though, the objections to Gail's are not about what it sells, but that it doesn't really belong, that it will push up prices and put independent cafes out of business.

From BBC

More Welsh attractions could follow Oakwood theme park in going out of business, with one owner describing "the most worrying time" in his 32 years in the industry.

From BBC

“This ordinance is a result of a witch hunt by extremists that want to force mom-and-pop owners out of business,” David Kaishchyan, of the Apartment Assn. of Greater Los Angeles, said at the meeting on Friday.

As large, now-defunct department stores such as Mervyns went out of business in the early 2000s, Forever 21 moved aggressively into those spaces.



