


[ pal-uh-stahyn pal-uh-steen ]


  1. Also called Ho·ly Land [hoh, -lee land]. Biblical_name Canaan. an ancient country in southwest Asia, on the east coast of the Mediterranean.
  2. a disputed region made up of parts of an ancient country in southwest Asia, especially the Gaza Strip and the West Bank: a British mandate from 1923 to 1948; divided between Israel, Jordan, and Egypt in 1948; Jordanian and Egyptian parts occupied by Israel in 1967, with limited Palestinian self-administration beginning in 1994.
  3. a city in eastern Texas.


/ ˈpælɪˌstaɪn /


  1. Also calledthe Holy LandCanaan the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea in which most of the biblical narrative is located
  2. the province of the Roman Empire in this region
  3. the former British mandatory territory created by the League of Nations in 1922 (but effective from 1920), and including all of the present territories of Israel and Jordan between whom it was partitioned by the UN in 1948
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. Historic region on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea , comprising parts of modern Israel , Jordan , and Egypt (see also Egypt ).
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Known as the Holy Land, it is a place of pilgrimage for several religions, including Christianity , Islam , and Judaism .
Israel, the homeland of the Jews (see also Jews ), was established in Palestine in 1948. The Palestine Liberation Organization , under Yasir Arafat , is committed to establishing a Palestinian state, which would include territory on the West Bank and Gaza Strip now partially occupied by Israel. ( See Arab-Israeli conflict , intifada , Oslo Accord , Palestinian Authority .)
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Word History and Origins

Origin of Palestine1

First recorded in 1540–60; from Latin Pal(a)estīna, Palaestīnē, from Greek Palaistī́nē; perhaps through Aramaic pəlishtāʾin (plural) “Philistines,” from Hebrew pĕlishtīm; philistine ( def )
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Example Sentences

The protest is being organized by groups including Shut it Down for Palestine,The People’s Forum and Writers Against the War in Gaza.

From Salon

A small group of supporters gathered behind a police cordon below the tower shouting "free Palestine" and "you are a hero".

From BBC

Palestine Action describes itself as a "direct action network dismantling British complicity with Israeli apartheid".

From BBC

X added a notice to the post stating that the image was taken in Manchester, not London, and that it is "not related to Palestine".

From BBC

In his Sunday Angelus, the Pope also prayed for peace, including in "tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel", adding: "From here, war appears even more absurd."

From BBC





PalermoPalestine Liberation Organization