

View synonyms for panorama


[ pan-uh-ram-uh, -rah-muh ]


  1. an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.

    Synonyms: prospect, vista, scene

  2. a horizontally extended visual representation providing a wide view of a landscape or other scene, in photography made by joining a series of shots or by using a wide-angle lens, and in film by pivoting the camera horizontally from a fixed place.
  3. Older Use
    1. an extended pictorial representation or a cyclorama of a landscape or other scene, often exhibited one part at a time and made to pass continuously before the spectators.
    2. a building for exhibiting such a pictorial representation.
  4. a continuously passing or changing scene or an unfolding of events:

    the panorama of Chinese history.

  5. a comprehensive survey, as of a subject.


/ ˌpænəˈræmɪk; ˌpænəˈrɑːmə /


  1. an extensive unbroken view, as of a landscape, in all directions
  2. a wide or comprehensive survey

    a panorama of the week's events

  3. a large extended picture or series of pictures of a scene, unrolled before spectators a part at a time so as to appear continuous
  4. another name for cyclorama
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • panoramic, adjective
  • ˌpanoˈramically, adverb
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Other Words From

  • pan·o·ram·ic adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of panorama1

First recorded in 1790–1800; pan- + Greek (h)órāma “view, sight,” derivative of horân “to see, look”
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Word History and Origins

Origin of panorama1

C18: from pan- + Greek horāma view
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Example Sentences

From there, you could drive into the high country and catch the panorama from Glacier Point.

Grace, in her way, becomes the thematic mascot of a new season that widens its panorama beyond Jimmy’s issues.

From Salon

The image is a panorama composed of 19 pictures, capturing the pink beams of solar radiation that lit up the sky in February 2023.

From BBC

Thomas used his drone to capture this image, which is a stitched panorama of 26 individual frames, to provide a spectacular view of meltwater plunging over the edge of the Bråsvellbreen glacierglacier.

From BBC

Jade Stevens stands at the edge of a snowy cliff and takes in the jaw-dropping panorama of the Sierra.




