

View synonyms for pelvis


[ pel-vis ]


Anatomy, Zoology.
plural pelvises, pelves
  1. the basinlike cavity in the lower part of the trunk of many vertebrates, formed in humans by the innominate bones, sacrum, etc.
  2. the bones forming this cavity.
  3. the cavity of the kidney that receives the urine before it is passed into the ureter.


/ ˈpɛlvɪs /


  1. the large funnel-shaped structure at the lower end of the trunk of most vertebrates: in man it is formed by the hipbones and sacrum
  2. the bones that form this structure
  3. any anatomical cavity or structure shaped like a funnel or cup
  4. short for renal pelvis
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ pĕlvĭs /

, Plural pelvises pĕlvēz

  1. The basin-shaped structure in vertebrate animals that joins the spine and lower or hind limbs. In primates, the pelvis is composed of the two hipbones joined to the sacrum. It contains, protects, and supports the intestines, bladder, and internal reproductive organs.


  1. The bowl-shaped group of bones connecting the trunk of the body to the legs and supporting the spine. The pelvis includes the hip bones and the lower part of the backbone.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of pelvis1

1605–15; < New Latin; Latin: basin; akin to Greek pellís bowl
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Word History and Origins

Origin of pelvis1

C17: from Latin: basin, laver
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Example Sentences

The teenager who had a fully developed extra set of limbs and a pelvis - sustained by a chest artery - underwent a two-hour surgery at Aiims hospital in Delhi.

From BBC

Having completed the 2013 Tour de France despite breaking his pelvis during the opening stage of the three-week race, Thomas has proved that he is ready to test that particular area of his anatomy.

From BBC

The 76-year-old said he has bladder and prostate cancer which had spread to his spine and pelvis.

From BBC

In the hours Nemcova was frozen, debris broke every bone in her pelvis and caused severe internal bleeding in her stomach, ABC reported.

The 76-year-old revealed he suffered with bladder and prostate cancer which spread to his spine and pelvis.

From BBC


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