prefrontal cortex
[ pree-fruhn-tl kawr-teks ]
- the forwardmost part of the frontal lobe, associated with complex brain functions such as emotional expression, behavioral regulation, decision making, attention, and planning: part of the cerebral cortex.
Word History and Origins
Origin of prefrontal cortex1
Example Sentences
Specifically, those who initiated these substances before age 15 had larger overall brains and a thinner prefrontal cortex in certain regions compared to kids who didn’t initiate drug use.
Brain regions such as the anterior cingulate and ventromedial prefrontal cortex integrate many sources of information – essential for being able to form a mixed emotion.
The device's manufacturer Flow Neuroscience says it works by stimulating brain activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the front of the brain, an area linked with depression.
We have our prefrontal cortex for a reason, which is to slow down, inhibit a little bit.
But it also reached deeper, into the medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex, brain regions crucial for memory.