

View synonyms for prime minister

prime minister


  1. the principal minister and head of government in parliamentary systems; chief of the cabinet or ministry:

    the British prime minister.

prime minister


  1. the head of a parliamentary government
  2. the chief minister of a sovereign or a state
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

prime minister

  1. The head of government in many nations. Prime minister is commonly the title of the head of government in a parliamentary system , such as that of Britain or Canada .
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Derived Forms

  • prime ministership, noun
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Other Words From

  • prime-min·is·te·ri·al [prahym, -min-, uh, -, steer, -ee-, uh, l], adjective
  • prime-minis·ter·ship noun
  • prime ministry noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of prime minister1

First recorded in 1640–50
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Example Sentences

The prime minister's speech is both a symptom of his early frustration at the capacity of government to get stuff done - and an acknowledgement of the urgency to do just that.

From BBC

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, the prime minister insisted he was not interested in ideological arguments about whether the state should be bigger or smaller, adding: "I simply want it to work."

From BBC

A push to reduce the role of quangos - or non-governmental bodies - is expected to be part of the prime minister's plan.

From BBC

The daughter of MP Sir David Amess said she still felt "betrayed" there would be no inquiry into his death, but that the prime minister had offered a "glimmer of hope" the government would reconsider.

From BBC

The prime minister's policy team has been meeting Labour MPs behind closed doors in Downing Street ahead of significant cuts to the welfare budget.

From BBC





prime meridianprime mover